Ryan Cohen is the chairman of the board. CEO name is Matt Furlong, former Amazon employee like the CFO. Get your facts right before publishing articles.
$游戏驿站(GME)$The fact that media is still talking about GameStop and telling everyone to sell everyday is proof that shorts haven’t covered and hedgies r fuk. The truth is, nobody cares about what you do with your money unless it’s hurting their money. Change my mind.
$游戏驿站(GME)$越来越多的混子跑这里来蹭热度, 什么都是美国散户,什么都是wsb. 真以为散户都是亿万富翁吗?There is only one GME, apes buy and HODL GME only, everything else is a distraction, end of story.
$游戏驿站(GME)$很多事情发生的一周 But apes don't do dates. Apes only buy and hold. Gamestop过去几个月无论是利好还是利空的消息放出来 HF紧接着就是一波short attack. They are desperate trying to shake out more paper hands. Trust your research, trust fellow apes. Rocket is fueling up for a one way trip to the moon.