Great article about Skllz earning Q12021. Importants points: 1. Large Total addressable market. -Expanding Android market 2x faster than Apple users. -Expanding india market by end of the year.2. Cash burning. -EBITA loss is higher than last year due to very high marketing expense but MAU is almost static. -However compensated by increase in PMAU and ARPPU. Hopefully the next quarter should see higher raise of GMV or ARPPU.3. Ev/ revenue of 16 is still considered cheap. 4. Debt is zero. Cash flow is positive.5. revenue & gross margin growth is very high. -Projected total revenue by end of 2021 is 375 million. Will it achievable? Probably yes.
【股市估值过高?】巴菲特指标显示,美国股市已经呈现过热现象,而我们已经处在泡沫之中。巴菲特指标,是由巴菲特提出的一个衡量股市是否过热的指标。计算方式,是股市总市值对GDP的比例。根据图表显示,这个比例已经远远超过了2000年科技泡沫时代的数字。同时,美国S&P500的PE水平也几乎接近2000年时的水平。科技股过热是市场普遍的共识,不过依然无阻科技股高歌猛进。这背后又有什么原因支撑呢?其实,股市过热已经是老生常谈的问题。只不过,在很多专家唱衰之下,依旧未能浇熄股市的乐观情绪。原因1、我们目前处在低利率时代,也就是说,我们借钱的利率更低,同时传统的安全避险投资产品比如国债的收益率同样走低。2000年时,联邦基金利率(FED Fund Rate)达到了5.85%,也就是说,即使不投资在股市,依然有很多其他选择。不过,现阶段低利率的大环境下,市场虽有着充裕的资金,不过能够选择的金融产品有限,要最大化资金的收益率,就是把资金投入股市或是其他高收益资产。因此我们看到,在低利率时代,股市的市值节节攀升,即使间中偶尔有一些大回调,但恢复的速度迅速。资金就像血液,只要有足够的血液,就能够为股市续命。只要还是在低利率时代,那巴菲特指标一直处在高位将会成为常态。原因2、很多专家在几年前已经表示股市有过热的风险,但实际情况是,很多基金仍然把钱投资在股市中。在市场,预测的和行动的往往都是不一致的。实事求是,当行情好的时候,每年都会有专家预测股市大跌,终有一天,一定会有人成功预测到股市崩盘。然而,跟着这些专家的预测是否能够赚钱,答案未必。如果跟随专家意见的话,2018年开始空仓至今,就会失去很多投资机会,虽然期间有暴跌的时期。原因3、今时不同往日当年的互联网泡沫,很多公司只要名字有“.com”,就能够获得市场的追捧。这是因为,很多公司其实是虚有其表,并没有具备赚钱的能力。没有真正赚钱还不打紧
Grab, south-east Asia’s most valuable start-up, is set for the largest merger between a private business and a blank-cheque vehicle in a deal that will value the SoftBank-backed technology group at about $35bn. Singapore-based Grab, whose offerings include ride-hailing and financial services, could finalise an agreement to list in New York via one of Altimeter Capital’s special purpose acquisition companies as soon as this week, according to three people with direct knowledge of the situation.The merger would be with one of the US investment firm’s two Altimeter Growth Spacs and would come after Grab’s board agreed to a preliminary deal last month.The agreement has been held up as a crucial first test for south-east Asian unicorns that are preparing to go public this year. Founded in