$Lion-OCBC Sec HSTECH S$(HST.SI)$Continueto up today 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
$DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$Earningsreport date for Q3 2021 earnings is 5 November 2021 (Friday before market).  Analysts Q3 Revenue estimate is 3.56 billion (-0.53% YoY), while Q3EPS Adj. estimate is 0.589 (19.0% YoY), Q3 net income estimate 1.56 billion (20.1% YoY). Let’s see can DBS beat analyst’s expectation in revenue and EPS! Share price may move higher when beat expectation!Do look at peer banks, $OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORP(O39.SI)$and $UNITED OVERSEAS BANK LIMITED(U11.SI)$Q3 earnings 2021 performance on 3 November, Wednesday before market too. It gives some insight what kind of result DBS will be announced.
$Alibaba(BABA)$张勇静静不出声,对当前股价从高点跌了63%情况默不出声,也不给股东打气,也没说公司未来发展前景依然明亮,也没发表言论具体给予个个困难的解决方案。成为阿里股东,心都寒了…一间公司一跌再跌而不反弹不是没有原因的,阿里就该跌。你看$TENCENT(00700)$$Tencent Holding Ltd.(TCEHY)$,跌了几天 立马就反弹。打铁还需自身硬!
$DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$$OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORP(O39.SI)$$UNITED OVERSEAS BANK LIMITED(U11.SI)$美国通货膨胀高居不下,美联储加快升息步伐,提高加息次数,利好银行股!继续看多银行业[Victory] [Victory] [Victory] 
$Microsoft(MSFT)$列举微软未来增长点,盈利稳定有定价权的好公司。拥有标准普尔S&P Global Ratings国际评级AAA,这个级别可不容易拿,美国政府只有AA+. 目前最高评价AAA的政企只有两家,一家是$Microsoft(MSFT)$, 另一家是$Johnson & Johnson(JNJ)$。但是$Johnson & Johnson(JNJ)$即将分拆成为两间不同的上市公司,业务成长高的医药业务继续留在$Johnson & Johnson(JNJ)$,业务稳定成长慢消费品业务如沐浴露,婴儿用品打包去新的公司。医药领域波动大,投资强生不再是稳稳的了。微软则继续稳定成长,大家买了长期握着就好。以下是Microsoft 微软接下来几年的成长引擎growthengine, 营收利润上升、股价上升,就看他们了。1)企业陆续过渡到Microsoft 365 subscription 云配套。微软已转行成为saas月订阅服务公司。看看$Adobe(ADBE)$在2012年转行成saas月订阅服务公司后,股价涨到现在就知道爆发力了!微软已通知企业公司们2022年3月1起Microsoft 365月费全面起价!一盘生意稳稳躺着收钱,有稳定的现金流,手握大笔现

Let’s see what are you buying in this etf

$Lion-OCBC Sec HSTECH S$(HST.SI)$Do you know what companies are you buying in this etf basket? Today let’s see what are the companies in this etf. 1.7 billion NAV fund size. Number of fund share in issue 274million. Total 30 companies in this etf, the NAV% is listed in table.You will be surprise Kuaishou is the biggest % company in this etf followed by meituan. Not the China tech king “Tencent”😄😄😄Top 7 companies by NAV %which made up 57.43% of this ETF:1) Kuaishou 9.26%2) Meituan 8.93%3) JD.com 8.35%4) Tencent 8.3%5) Alibaba 8.16%6) Sunny optical 7.28%7) Xiaomi 7.15% After looking at their components %, will you still like to invest the etf? Or do you prefer buying individual stock te
Let’s see what are you buying in this etf
$Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$every dip of fundamental sound company is a opportunity for us to buy. For example, facebook (meta platform) on and off facing short term of bad news. After the bad news, share price shoot up again.
$DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$ DBS Q2 net profit up 37%! Declare S$0.33 quaterly dividend! Beat estimate earning!🚀🚀🚀DBS's net profit for its second quarter rose 37 per cent as it joined its peers in posting a smaller allowance from the year-ago period, it said on Thursday.It declared a quarterly dividend of S$0.33 per share, restoring dividend payout to its pre-pandemic level. This brings its first-half dividend payout to S$0.51 per share. DBS suspended its scrip dividend scheme.Net profit for the three months ended June 30, 2021, stood at S$1.70 billion, compared with S$1.25 billion from the year-ago period.The earnings beat the S$1.47 billion consensus forecast in a Bloomberg survey of five analysts.Net interest income was 9 per cent lower than
$Apple(AAPL)$“价值投资的精髓就是发现和寻找复利的机会” from李录[Victory] [Victory] [Victory] 买了一个股票,我们就耐心的等待,等待公司盈利和营业额每年继续逐步成长,股价也随之水涨船高。随着时间,我们的本钱会越滚越大。你会发现复利的可怕威力![Love] 李录的投资观值得大家学习。himalaya capital基金于1998年1月至今,年复合增长率达29%。[Miser] 目前持股仅有7家公司,美光科技(micron technology)、美国银行(bank of America)、伯克希尔(bershire Hathaway)、谷歌(google)、脸书(meta)、苹果(Apple)、拼多多(pinduoduo).我个人也是懒惰的人,不喜欢持有太多公司,这样才能对持有的公司更了解,便于追踪公司的动向。一旦买入就很少卖股票。每月不断累积持股,不骚操作,乱卖股票,静静的等待我的钱随着时间复利越滚越大。[Smart] 但大神的作业我们能参考,不能照搬全抄,自己的钱,自己管理,要独立思考,他当时的买入价钱点是非常OK的,安全边际(margin of safety)高。在写这篇文章的时候,李录投资组合里头有7家公司,我个人持有四家。分别是苹果、谷歌、脸书、伯克希尔。这四家公司每天不是起就是跌,长期趋势是稳稳往上涨的。没买美光科技(micron technology) 是因为它是周期性股票,价格随着nand 和dram内存供需价格大起大落,护城河不深,现在在高位了,不想去追高。没买美国银行(bank of America) 因为个人已经有其他银行股了。也不想碰中概股
$DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$Strong rebound after Powell said interest hikes could be coming earlier than planned😄
$SINGAPORE PRESS HLDGS LTD(T39.SI)$what’s happened? Dropped 7%+ in this morning 
$Alibaba(BABA)$for us as BABA shareholder, BABA keep dropping for the past weeks, Which point is the bottom? Nobody knows, analyse your current exposure to hongkong tech in your portfolio. Does the % at your comfortable level? Next is plan wisely and execute your own plan, to consider1) no sure when is the bottom, to buy bit by bit for every 7% down? 2)To sell all at lost and totally avoid Hong Kong China tech company?3)To do nothing just hold current position and wait for reverse signal to Add more? 
$Lion-OCBC Sec HSTECH S$(HST.SI)$[Spurting] ?[Anger] ?[OMG] ?[Facepalm] ?[Speechless] ?[Serious] ?Hug hug all the shareholders of this hongkong tech etf[Comfort] [Comfort] [Comfort] [Comfort] [Comfort] 
$DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$Dbs will announce second quarter 2021 result on 5 Aug while Uob and Ocbc announce theirs on 4 Aug. expected a beautiful figures and so boost three banks price again. This is the near term catalyst.if MAS (monetary authority of Singapore) removed the dividend cap, will be another catalyst to boost bank price. My target price to Dbs $31, ocbc $13, Uob $27$UNITED OVERSEAS BANK LIMITED(U11.SI)$$OVERSEA-CHINESE BANKING CORP(O39.SI)$
$Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$兜着巨大潜力还没释放,坐拥26亿用户却不急于变现。今天只要meta想做点啥,他就能变出白花花的银子。[Victory] [Victory] [Victory] 2020年5月19日推出facebook shops,不到两年的时间就有2.5亿用户; facebook marketplace 10亿用户,亚马逊耕耘20年也才3.1亿用户。类似$PayPal(PYPL)$旗下的venmo wallet 电子钱包Novi+crypto currency diem还在孵化阶段。从主营广告业务,现在开始像$Apple(AAPL)$一样卖hardware了。oculus quest 系列…2014年以20亿美金收购oculus,7年默默耕耘Virtual Reality (VR)设备这一块,2021年10月28日在facebookconnect 大会喊出元宇宙的设想。一时间让metaverse这个概念重新热了起来。也为$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$做了嫁衣,英伟达股价坐火箭飞到了月球!PE估值只有23倍,生生从一个成长股变成了价值股。股价始终上不去!主要是因为公司是非多、政府监管隐私保护、反垄断、企业文化、CEO Mark Zuckerberg 如何的渣,为了盈利不择手段的新闻。尽管如此,我还是押宝在这个有巨大潜力的公司。每次股价因为负面新闻大跌就是我买入的时候。[Ev
$DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$$32 is achievable with current momentum
$Unity Software Inc.(U)$最好跌到80-86
$DBS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD(D05.SI)$New highagain! Broke 30.60!!![OMG] [Miser] [Grin] 
