看公开信息,中国在美上市公司最新的境况可能跟有关监管的争议有关,如下面这段文字,六月份**共和两党就引入了一项法案强迫在美上市中概股接受监管,包括提供审计服务或面临退市,以提高财务透明度和问责制,消息人士称,除名的想法是这一长期争议中的最新举措,“这是政府的当务之急。不遵守PCAOB(公共公司会计监督委员会)程序的中国公司会对美国投资者构成风险。”你觉得中国在美上市公司要经受美国的财务监管吗?In June, U.S. lawmakers from both parties introduced a bill to force Chinese companies listed on American stock exchanges to submit to regulatory oversight, including providing access to audits, or face delisting.Chinese authorities have long been reluctant to let overseas regulators inspect local accounting firms - including member firms of the Big Four international accounting networks - citing national security concerns."Beijing should no longer be allowed to shield U.S.-listed Chinese companies from complying with American laws and regulations for financial transparency and accountability,"