yes I think the solar technology $Sono Group N.V.(SEV)$ offers is very promising!!
@SueCsie$Sono Group N.V.(SEV)$It may look like a hype because some ppl still doesn’t know the real value in the technology yet. I think it’s undervalued becausethis is the first SEV (Solar EV). There isn’t a benchmark yet being a pioneer in this SEV market. Not to mention that they already have pre-orders (about $349 mil) and production scheduled in Q1 2023 and $Rivian Automotive, Inc.(RIVN)$is valued at $150for zero sales? Questionable, but okay…..[Shy] SEV has a competitive advantage (to me) in the EV market. In case you don’t know about the harmful electricity generated by standard EV like $Rivian Automotive, Inc.(RIVN)$In Germany, for example, purchase-price subsidies for new electric vehicles from the German state currently amount to €6,000 per vehicle. Most recently, as of January 1, 2021, European Union, or EU, regulations now impose their most stringent ever CO2 emission limits on all new passenger cars registered in the EU. These are the additional competitive advantage to Sono because of the affordability and solar technology. Sono is not a company that focus entirely on EV only, but selling their technology to train, trucks andothers. They are pitching to government already. Just imagine one country - Germany adapting their technology in their bus and trains. Last point, thankfully they have patents in their SEV technology! FYI, their solar technology is not likeour household solar technology with hard and heavy glasses. So i think you won’t be able to find another Sona inthe next 3-4 years time. If u want to buy it for investment, go for it! But u want short termtrading, probably not here . Peace

