

2021年10月26日,敦信金融控股有限公司 $敦信金融(DXF)$ (以下简称“敦信金融”或“公司”)宣布,公司历经2年时间的探索与研究,正式决定业务转型进入元宇宙领域,并设立元宇宙事业部。目前正在面向全球网罗相关人才,挑选项目,在元宇宙相关产业进行深度布局。

October 26, 2021, Dunxin Financial Holdings Limited (NYSE MKT: DXF) ("Dunxin Financial" or the "Company") has announced that it will officially transition its business into the Metaverse Industry after research and development of over two years. The Company is planning to recruit professionals and is evaluating multiple projects at this stage.

数码艺术家Beeple的数字艺术品《每一天:前5000天》以6900万美元在佳士得落锤,NFT用户数量爆发式增长,由区块链技术驱动的"边玩边赚(P2E)“游戏Axie Infinity横空出世,近30天总收入赶超全球手游畅销榜前三的王者荣耀……

The artwork of digital artist Beeple (Mike Winkelmann), “Evertdays: The First 5000 Days”, was auctioned for US$69 million at Christie’s. With the number of NFT users growing exponentially, “Play to Earn(P2E)” game “Axie Infinity”, which was driven by Block Chain technology, arrived on the scene, and surpassed “Honor of Kings” in terms of revenue, and marked its spot on list of top 3 mobile games within 30 days.


In term of government policies, “The Development Plan of Culture Industry in the 14th Five Year”《“十四五”文化产业发展规划》 states that “ carrying out digitalization strategy in the culture industry, implementing Cloud Service supporting policy, enhancing the application of Big Data and increase government support for intelligent transformation of enterprises”. It indicates that the Metaverse may be of great significance in digitalization of culture.


The Company devotes to become a digital culture and entertainment technology platform that possess core intellectual properties and key technologies. Dunxin Financial enters into the Metaverse related industries (including Block Chain, NFT, Artificial Intelligence, hard and software of AR&VR, games, etc) by ways of independent research and development, investment and cooperation, etc. The Company wishes to cooperate with parties in the industry.

对此,敦信金融总裁Ricky Wei表示:“2年时间来,我们深度调研了链圈,币圈,矿圈的大量实践经营者,同时也与国际国内专业研究机构及专家学者进行过交流研究,得益于区块链技术,5G6G通信技术,以及互联网科技的进步与提升,元宇宙目前被广泛认为是继互联网浪潮后的新一大重要技术革命,目的是能够打破一切物理局限,建立虚拟共享空间。我个人认为:终极的元宇宙联通物理世界和数字世界,将成为20年之后人类的生活方式,重塑数字经济体系。元宇宙将大量离散的单点创新聚合形成新物种,带来长期超越想象的潜力和机会。”

CEO of Dunxin Financial, Mr. Ricky Wei commented, “we conducted intensive researching and studying of massive practitioners in block chain, coin and mining industry and communicated with international and domestic institute experts and professionals in last two years. Benefiting from Block Chain technology, 5G6G technologies and upgrade of internet technology, Metaverse is believed to be the significant largest technology revolution after the waves of the internet technology, whose aim is to break the physical limitation and realization of virtual space-sharing. I believe that the ultimate Metaverse is in connection with both physical world and mathematics world. It will become a part of human’s people’s life stylelifestyle and will rebuild the digital economy system. Metaverse innovatively creates new species by integration of discrete single point and brings potentials and opportunities in long term.


The next 3-5 years will be an early-stage exploration period of Metaverse. Massive technology breakthrough and business model innovation in VR/AR, NFT, AI, Cloud, PUGC game platform, digital human and Digital Twin City will emerge. In the middle and to long term, the investment opportunities includes GPU, 3D Graphic Engine, Cloud Computing and IDC, High-speed Wireless Communication, internet and game platform, Digital Twin City, etc. The Metaverse is likely to exist create great investment opportunitiesy in the next ten years.


About Dunxin Financial

Dunxin Financial, established in March 2013 with headquarter in Wuhan, China, is an innovative fintech company originally engaged in business of providing loan facilities to micro sized enterprise and individuals. After main its business transformationtransition, the Company will develop block chain, NFT digitalization and be in volved in the Metaverse business.


Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements. These statements constitute "forward-looking" statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "will," "to be," "expects," "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," or similar expressions, involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Such statements are based upon management's current expectations and current market and operating conditions, and relate to events that involve known or unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond Dunxin Financial's control, which may cause Dunxin Financial’s actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Actual results or events may differ from those anticipated or predicted in this press release, and the differences may be material. Further information regarding these and other risks, uncertainties or factors is included in Dunxin Financial 's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Dunxin Financial does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statement as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable law.



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