邮件全文: 抱歉,这是我给全公司的第一封邮件,现实已无法粉饰。 坦率地说,未来的经济形势是可怕的,特别是对于像我们这样在充满挑战的经济环境中如此依赖广告的公司。我们70%的广告是品牌广告,而不是效果广告,这使我们倍感脆弱! 
这就是为什么过去十天的首要任务是开发和推出Twitter Blue Verified订阅(团队的重要后盾)如果没有大量的订阅收入,Twitter很有可能无法在即将到来的经济衰退中幸存下来。我们希望大约一半的收入是订阅。 当然,我们仍然会严重依赖广告,所以我花时间与销售和合作伙伴团队一起确保Twitter继续吸引广告商。这是Robin,Yoel和我今天主持的空间讨论:
 (录音链接,名为“Elon Q&A:广告与未来”。) 
前面的道路是艰难的,需要紧张的工作才能取得成功。我们还将更改Twitter政策,不再允许远程工作,除非你有特定的例外情况。经理会将例外情况列表发送给我来审查和批准。 从明天(星期四)开始,每个人都必须每周至少在办公室工作40小时。如果您身体上无法前往办公室或有重要的个人义务,那么您的缺席是可以理解的。 
 Sorry that this is my first email to the whole company, but there is no way to sugarcoat the message. Frankly, the economic picture ahead is dire, especially for a company like ours that is so dependent on advertising in a challenging economic climate. Moreover, 70% of our advertising is brand, rather than specific performance, which makes us doubly vulnerable! That is why the priority over the past ten days has been to develop and launch Twitter Blue Verified subscriptions (huge props to the team!). Without significant subscription revenue, there is a good chance Twitter will not survive the upcoming economic downturn. We need roughly half of our revenue to be subscription. Of course, we will still then be significantly reliant on advertising, so I am spending time with our sales & partnerships teams to ensure that Twitter continues to be appealing to advertisers. This is the Spaces discussion that Robin, Yoel and I hosted today: [Links to a Twitter Spaces recording called "Elon Q&A: Advertising & the Future."] The road ahead is arduous and will require intense work to succeed. We are also changing Twitter policy such that remote work is no longer allowed, unless you have a specific exception. Managers will send the exceptions lists to me for review an approval. Starting tomorrow (Thursday), everyone is required to be in the office for a minimum of 40 hours per week. Obviously, if you are physically unable to travel to an office or have a critical personal obligation, then your absence is understandable. I look forward to working with you to take Twitter to a whole new level. The potential is truly incredible! Thanks, Elon$特斯拉(TSLA)$ $Twitter(TWTR)$

