【Labor Day】China's Consumption Surges, Exceeding Pre-Pandemic Levels

Global X ETFs

[For Hong Kong Investors Only] China's recent Labor Day holiday brought encouraging news for the economy. The surge in overall spending surpassed pre-pandemic levels and served as a testament to a recovery underway. Travelers embarked on 295 million trips within the Chinese mainland, marking a 7.6% year-on-year increase and a striking 28.2% jump from 2019.

While per capita spending remained lackluster due to the country's uneven economic recovery, amidst this backdrop lies a potential growth opportunity waiting to be harnessed. With a total expenditure of nearly 166.9 billion yuan ($23.5 billion), up 12.7% from the previous year and 13.5% higher than 2019, the holiday demonstrated the potential for further development.

Consider investing in the Global X China Consumer Brand ETF (2806) $GX中国消费(02806)$ , you can position yourself to capitalize on the continued development and prosperity of China's dynamic consumer landscape.

Source: Caixin, as of May 7, 2024.

💡 Learn more about the Global X China Consumer Brand ETF   (2806) and detailed risk disclosures: https://www.globalxetfs.com.hk/campaign/china-consumer-brand-etf/

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