SGPmain (MSCI新加坡指数主连 2407)
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近两年,动荡的全球资本市场中,往往能跑赢大盘的ESG投资成为一股热潮。ESG投资是指顾及环境(Environment)、社会(Social)与管治(Governance)三方面因素而做出的投资策略,不单追求回报,亦重视对环境、社会及业务表现的长远影响。通过 ESG投资,投资者能在毋须牺牲财务回报或增加风险的情况下“做好事”。   自2006年全球为应对气候变化协力推出《联合国责任投资原则》及《巴黎协定》以来,无论是以资产管理机构为代表的的机构投资者,还是个人投资者,其ESG投资需求持续增长。据晨星公司最新数据显示,截止2021年前三个季度,全球可持续发展主题资产翻了一倍,尤其是ESG投资。 在投资者强劲需求下,ESG投资资产类型及其数量都大幅增加,除了股票和债券两大类之外,还有ESG股票指数,追踪不同ESG指数的交易所基金(ETF)。ESG投资产品的增长则催生包括指数期货在内的ESG风险管理工具。为推动ESG投资,去年年初,新加坡交易所(以下简称“新交所”)推出一系列追踪富时罗素ESG指数的期货产品。 新交所富时新兴ESG指数期货

Futures trading competition: We finally have winner from Singapore!

We finally have a winner from Singapore in our Futures trading competition! 30th September 2021 marks the end of our Live Trading Competition for Futures. We would like to thank everyone for making this a successful run. Tiger Brokers proudly interviewed one of the winners from Singapore. Background information of the competition: In 2014, Futures Daily of China (期货日报) successfully held the 1st Global Derivatives Trading Competition. This year, Futures Daily of China once again launched the Global Derivatives Trading Competition with Tiger Brokers and other world leading exchanges and designated brokers. This competition is supported by CME, HKEX, TOCOM, SGX, and also brokers from t
Futures trading competition: We finally have winner from Singapore!