top glove short sellers mostly absent since Thursday. Mainly normal investors playing.Last  3 days it gone down because of sentiment. Today also no short sellers too because they know the price will go up from now.reasons: they paused because there might be a renewal of company buying back share so that they can sell at a good price in HK. Beside it has reached bottom. If any further fall it will invite big players to buy up the shares. Omicron also unknown on the disruption on the glove industry. Chances is increase of glove demand. I put it 75% up ,10% down, 15% neutral. Can go long now. 
Those who sell to shortist last few days deserved to lose money. Now short seller all escaped and laughing to the bank . The sign is so obvious that they are shorting and making so many negative statements when I the signs showing new variant will boost up demand. Even vaccine manufacturers say it is a challenge to control thos omicron virus. All countries are taking action. If they think it is not serious like what shortist want you to believe, governments will not take action. It cost economic hardship and money to close border and restrictions. You are stupid if you sell and lose money last few days. If you sell earlier you might have good reason but not thos few days. 
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$the share price is trading as if ppe especially glove is not needed anymore in this pandemic.  Even non medical industry like clean room etc.  Also no need glove anymore. Those people who believe the short sellers and analysts are short sighted. That is the nature of the game in share market. Whoever can convince and control win even it is fundamentally wrong. I salute the winner. 
Please do not get taken in by analysts say that HK listing is a dilution of share. They never tell you only dilution of voting right only if the IPO price is priced right. If it is priced right it increase the capitalisation proportionally.eg. now 1 share= $1. Whole company 10 shares . Capitalisation= $10.  Listed another 10 shares in HK at $1.2. So total share is now 20 = 10x$1 +10x $1.2= $22.  Now per share value is = $22/20= $1.1  instead of only $1. So it actually increase the value of your share. Not only that it also have a bigger participant in Hong kong which is know to be very active in investment.  I am sure the shortist and analysts will harp on the dilution of share issue. Dilution in what ?. They will not be specific. Answer is above. 
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$notice the attached pic. Taken 12.41pm breaktime.At 12 pm bid 0.685 ask .69. Suddenly 12.41pm someone want to sell at 0.685 for 110.7k shares. It must be short seller again. Suddenly a big lot offer to sell again at lower price. So obvious. Please trap them. Do not be a fool. If they find no seller they will have to offer higher price if not they will buy back( this case they will loss in interest & accumulate bigger position).please do yourself a favor by not selling ,and keep buying if can afford 
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$I do not think short seller will increase their short position today  they are trying to run and tone down their position until they think there is a group willing to sell to them at a loss( low price). Why? Because you can see the volume going down. Criteria for short selling number one is liquidity( more people selling and buying). 
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$now the trading volume is $ 981,000. Wednesday short positions is $1.71m . If we can hold and make the ask volume low( no sellers) than I am sure the price will go up. How much depend on how many sellers. Less seller price higher. We missed a change to make short sellers pay yesterday. There is a group willing to make loss and sell to the short seller. Because the close position should be double than today( $1.7m)
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$if tomorrow short positions is low. Then I am very sure normal investors are panicky & willing to take losses and sell out to the shortist. Which managed to cover their 2 days ago positions with a slight winning. This group deserved to loss money. Such a golden opportunity to squeeze the shortist and they helped them escape. Tuesday short positions is abt $3.8m about 70+% of the total volume. This $3.8m positions have to cover today. Why sell to them so cheap.?. They slowly slowly escape with profit amid not much same time depressing the price.those people who sell are willing to take loss and making us suffer too. The worse scenario is when the company find the price too low. They will privatise making
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$today it seem like the short sellers are starting to tone down. In fact yesterday they have short less because the sentiment already low. Meaning people loss hope and sell at lost. Shortist take this opportunity to buy low to cover their positions without much work/ effort. Today they might do the same.to counter this we must buy and hold. All investor hold onto your stock for 1 or 2 days ,I sm 90% sure the share will go up in price as shortist still have to cover their positions meaning they have to buy .
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$I am sure tomorrow or friday riverstone share will shoot up. Yesterday $3m ++ are short positions. If we are smart not to sell at low to help the short sellers( like giving money to them) then we stand a chance to ask for much higher price from the short sellers when they start to cover their positions tomorrow or friday. If can hold hold. Do not take profit to soon too. Make the short sellers pay and suffer for higher prices. Imagine the price gone down more than before the omicron virus news came out. It is weird and the work of short sellers. Do not fall for their tricks and sell at a loss to them. 
$TOP GLOVE CORPORATION BHD(BVA.SI)$it is confirm 100% the work of short sellers for yesterday drop in price.you can check the short position of yesterday and before. What else is the reasons? The share should be moving upward instead it gone down even with high profit and new omicron variant which should make glove demand higher. Punish them by when they sell lower we buy. But when they buy back to cover their position ,we can demand the sky. Do not sell cheap to them because whatever we ask they have to buy. They got no choice but to buy to pay back because they borrow shares to sell in the first place. The have to return the borrowed shares. Do not fall into their trap. When they sell lower we buy. If price go lower and if you sell ,short se
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$I hope the price go down more with the condition it is the short sellers that is selling only.so the position they hold will get bigger when the time come for them to buy back shares to cover their positions. And most important is we investors do not sell and if possible buy more. Why?. We have to create a low/ zero supply but high demand. The short seller are creating a high supply by selling low price to press the price down so they can buy back and make the difference ( cover positions).so if we help to buy more and hold ( less supply) when the time come for short sellers to buy back share to cover their positions, they will find nobody selling. So they have to offer very very high price to buy back. They hav
$TOP GLOVE CORPORATION BHD(BVA.SI)$it is ok to let the price to go down.The more the better.why? This is to trap the short sellers if only we help to mop all of shares up too. But remember not to sell ,thus to create a zero supply. Then when short seller are forced to cover their position then they are forced to buy at sky high prices. Whatever you ask they have to buy. So do not panic when price go down if only it is only the short sellers selling. If it is normal investors selling too then it is playing into the short sellers strategy.  The more the price go down the more shares the short sellers hold. So you see when they start to buy share to cover their positions and no supply, the price will sky rocket. We must punish this group
Now is the time to squeeze the short sellers.!!! The price depend on demand and supply. If we do not sell, less supply.and if we continue to buy ,more demand. More demand and less supply will make the price go up.short sellers have to cover their positions very soon.they will have to buy at a high price or whatever price that is quoted. It is a war. See who can hold longer. Demand of glove will go up with this new omicron variants. Common sense even Malaysia government say so. 
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$riverstone proces trading as if glove is not important even with the new covid variants hanging over our head. Even Singapore government say no home quarantine for newly infected with this new variant ! . That mean the short sellers who want price to go down are really strong. It seem like some investors are unintentionally helped the short  seller by selling at low or buying low( chasing low). 
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$funny top glove gone down this morning, now surging up now due to news about new covid variants. Someone out up a post at top glove saying that moderna CEO say vaccine not effective against new covid variants.  If true riverstone go the other ways. Very very odd. Meaning someone really want it to go down and all investors are helping them or doing nothing
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$as I mentioned before this stock is below price now. Even you do not know how to calculate the intrinsic value. Just look at the price before pandemic. It is traded at 0.56+ now it is 0.69. An increase of around 0.10. Now with we all know that there is a great demand to medical glove and clean room glove. For new players to come in to take market share from incumbent is not easy for glove markets especially medical and clean room if you got no expertise and no history. Further more this 2 years riverstone have make records profit and entrench with old customers. This profit and the industry survivability or sustainability is more than equal to the  the 0 .10  value. In fact I think it should be mu
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$definitely the work of a group of short sellers. Notice that yesterday there is a big jump in short position? Yesterday due to news of new covid variants, many investors jump in so the short seller sell . Today and tomorrow they will come in even more to press it down. Unless more investors come in to oppose them. In singapore especially, the big boys always have the advantage because retail investors are fragmented and scattered, not cohesive. In stock market big investors (short seller & manipulator) are always using their resources or strategies to gain an advantage over the small guys. They can even pay the analyst to say what they want to hear. I believe if a company is fundamentally good and in a good
$TOP GLOVE CORPORATION BHD(BVA.SI)$it is the work of the short sellers!!!. I am very very sure. Please take a look at yesterday short positions. There is a hugh increase in short position. Yesterday they loss to the euphoria due to the new covod variant. Today they are at it again. It seem not many investors are opposing them today. This group are strong and rich. But do not get distracted because the company are coming soon to prop up the price with their rm1.29billions of profit. They are more than capable to spend all this amount because they expect to get bact more than that when they list in hong kong. I am 80% sure they will do it. As they have announced and have done before. Please kill off those vampire of short sellers by holding to y
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$what happen to you? Other med stock especially top glove jumped a many fold. You? Laggard. Up so slow. Down so very fast. Mark up please. 
