
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$as I mentioned before this stock is below price now. Even you do not know how to calculate the intrinsic value. Just look at the price before pandemic. It is traded at 0.56+ now it is 0.69. An increase of around 0.10. Now with we all know that there is a great demand to medical glove and clean room glove. For new players to come in to take market share from incumbent is not easy for glove markets especially medical and clean room if you got no expertise and no history. Further more this 2 years riverstone have make records profit and entrench with old customers. This profit and the industry survivability or sustainability is more than equal to the  the 0 .10  value. In fact I think it should be much more.  

Why people fear and sell their stock to the short sellers and willing to make losses. ? Cannot we wait a little longer and see how the short seller play by themselves and losses money in term of interest. If they find that there are no real sellers than the brokerage will force them to buy physical share in whatever price that is selling. This will really push up the price. It is call a short squeeze.  Please be patience and buy more if you can.


