
$RIVERSTONE HOLDINGS LIMITED(AP4.SI)$definitely the work of a group of short sellers. Notice that yesterday there is a big jump in short position? Yesterday due to news of new covid variants, many investors jump in so the short seller sell . Today and tomorrow they will come in even more to press it down. Unless more investors come in to oppose them. In singapore especially, the big boys always have the advantage because retail investors are fragmented and scattered, not cohesive. In stock market big investors (short seller & manipulator) are always using their resources or strategies to gain an advantage over the small guys. They can even pay the analyst to say what they want to hear. I believe if a company is fundamentally good and in a good industry, they will prevail when some other big players noticed them for good value, they will start to fight the short sellers if they still around by mopping up all the shares.  How can a record profit company and in a industry that will not disappear for a long time be push to below their intrinsic value?.  Short sellers are using tactic of pushing the price down couple with paid analysts saying recycled negative news. Even if it is true the news already factored in to the price already when the news first appeared. One same news cannot keep depressing the price Everytime.!!!. Example ASP and vaccines.  


