Is DWAC stock really worth it?

DWAC has been rising over the past few days and reachs a new high of $175.

What is a SPAC?

It is a shell corporation listed on a stock exchange with the purpose of acquiring a private company.

DWAC is a shell company merging with TrumpMedia & Technology group. In the process of merging a SPAC, it will takes at least 5 months to go through the shareholder voting and de-spac.

How well does SPAC usually do?

At the moment, we are currently at the catalyst where Trump declares that it is merging withDWAC.

Now, I am going to list out some of the red flags.

Three black crows

What is Three Black Crows?

The three black crows candlestick pattern comprises of three consecutive long red candles with short or non-existent wicks. Each session opens at a similar price to the previous day, but selling pressures push the price lower and lower with each close. It is an bearish indication.

Terms are more of beneficial towards Trump

Trump indicated in the clause “material disruptive event”. This is to shield him from all sortsof events, whether it is good or bad. Totally not in the interest of the shareholders but moreof for himself.

Is the app ready?

Amazon has rejected to host this app on Amazon Web Services. It requires a reliable place to host the app. Will Akash be able to host it? It is also known that the app is very vulnerable.It is very prone to bugs at the moment. Can it really host all the users worldwide?

Hopefully this helps to really decide is this stock worth keeping or are there better stocks out there

$Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC)$

# 特朗普概念股暴涨,你敢上车嘛?




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  • PagRobinson
    Good method, really help me a lot. When buying stocks, we should really consider its safety and the carrying capacity of app.