$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Overview of what is happening:
27 Jan 2021: boom up $24 (everyone fomo including myself get in)
In Feb: got shorted down to the brim like $5.
In March: quadruple witching day boom up again only to max $13-$14
In Mid March to April: got shorted down again to $8
In End May- early June: nearer to the quadruple witching day in mid June burst up to all time high $72.
Mid June: got shorted down to $27.
Mid Sept: quadruple witching day went up to $51.
Based on statistics, before the next quadruple witching day (mid dec) we will probably see another swing up in end nov.
- famous movies from disney and dc will only be show in theatres. (No pirated haha)
- covid situation in US is improving due to the approval of red pill (which donald trump took)
- not just movies, amc also offers to watch live wwe, sports etc.
- accept bitcoins.
- With the recent market up trend movement, whi ch dun even care about the bad jobs and consumer reports, it still went green like 😂
- Volatility in AMC now is very loancw.
When in doubt zoom out. This is not financial advise, i maybe wrong haha.
- 哎呀呀小伙子·2021-10-18总市值 209亿 流通市值 208亿 总股本 5.13亿 流通股本 5.11亿 52周最高 72.62 52周最低 1.91 市盈率 -4.21 市净率 -14.89 股息 0.03 股息收益率 0.07% ROA -9.26% ROE 177.35% 每股收益 -9.68 单看财报的话,还不是那么难看。3举报
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