A Rare Opportunity?

$Alibaba(BABA)$$Tencent Holding Ltd.(TCTZF)$$Pinduoduo Inc.(PDD)$

As the saying goes, "Buy when there is blood on the street".. With more than US$1.5trillion market cap wiped off recently, it's not just blood on the street. It's major haemorrhage.

With the right perspective, what the Chinese government did recently is not a bad thing at all. Why? In my humble opinion, it's a good time set regulatory framework in place that will help with the next phase of growth in a more organised manner. To be sustainable, growth cannot come at the expense of greater social issues. The challenge for the Chinese government is, to strike a fine balance (easier said than done) and not over regulate to the point it strangles the economic engine that has been powering China. It is safe to assume the Chinese government is alsobaware of that potential danger.

With these once darlings of institutional & retail investors being battered to an all time low, I personally feel it could mean a golden opportunity to start owning shares of these companies before they start getting expensive again. 

A famous quote that I like, "Fortune favors the bold"... An opportunity like this should be look upon favorably and be taken advantage of

*Not financial advice, just my personal thoughts

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