For Investors & Public Information, China Securities Regilatory Commission (CSRC) Spokesperson Press Conference Answers To Reporter Question Regarding China-based Companies listing on the US Securities Market. CSRC's comment on this matter gives positive clear assurance of Important Standing and Respect for China-based Companies US Stock Securities :

"Many promising companies are growing rapidly in China, which are potential high-quality issuers in capital markets. In an improving market ecosystem, listed companies that have solid operating performance and good corporate governance will naturally attract global investors."

"The CSRC has always been open to companies’ choices to list their securities on international or domestic markets in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Regardless of their listing venues, companies shall abide by applicable laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements in both their listing jurisdiction and operating jurisdiction. Currently, Chinese authorities are taking measures to promote orderly development of certain industries."

"The purpose of these measures is to balance development with security and enhance sustainable development of market entities. In the course of policy-making and implementation, the CSRC will communicate and engage closely with different stakeholders including investors, companies and relevant authorities to further promote transparency and certainty of policies and implementing measures of them."

"The capital markets in China and the US both have global significance and are increasingly interconnected."

"It is our belief that Chinese and US regulators shall continue to enhance communication with the principle of mutual respect and cooperation, and properly address the issues related to the supervision of China-based companies listed in the US, so as to form stable policy expectations and create benign rules framework for the market."


The full Press Conference reply is available on display at China State CSRC public website posted for Investors and Public Information :





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  • BlackTechAI
    Time to get bullish reinstate Alibaba back to its fundamentals worthy pricing $210~302 and beyond! US stocks pricing overpriced but Alibaba is not, plenty of upside room! 🚀
  • BlackTechAI
    Agree fair value. Alibaba is worth much more as a growth stock planning ahead into future growth initiatives! Has high intrinsic growth value like growth stock TSLA should price in future potential!
  • BlackTechAI
    China Government CSRC's comment on this matter gives positive clear assurance of Important Standing and Respect for China-based Companies US Stock Securities
  • BlackTechAI
    The CSRC has always been open to companies’ choices to list their securities on international or domestic markets in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
  • BlackTechAI
    Regardless of their listing venues, companies shall abide by applicable laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements in both their listing jurisdiction and operating jurisdiction.