$Hims & Hers Health Inc.(HIMS)$  TMD一个好仿制药的还能涨这么多,没天理啊!没有法律法规管理吗?




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    看财报数据,公司一季度的收入大幅增长,不要小看这些公司,5年前少有人会觉 得 拼多多 的低价策略会如此成功。 

    我们分析一下。 减肥药要最需要的客户是谁?




    Looking at the financial report data, the company's revenue saw a significant increase in the first quarter. Don't underestimate these companies. Five years ago, few would have thought that Pinduoduo's($PDD) low-price strategy would be so successful.

    Let's analyze it. Who are the most needed customers for weight-loss drugs?

    It's not Wall Street elites, not corporate executives, not high-end socialites. These people have good food combinations, strict calorie intake, supplement their diet with vegetables, and have plenty of exercise time to maintain a good physique.

    On the contrary, it is the middle and lower-income groups who consume a large amount of calories, have no time for physical training, so they face more demand. Once the price is affordable, this is a huge consumer base.

    Just as we have no reason to ridicule India's generic drug industry, it is actually a social responsibility to provide low-income people with choices.
