Income Investing through option selling & dividend stock accumulation
I closed 3 lot(s) $HEX.HK 20240829 300.00 CALL$  ,>88.5% profits. Take profit and wait for higher stock price before re-entry. More than 2 months to go, not worth waiting for remaining 12% returns.
I opened $Frasers L&C Tr(BUOU.SI)$  ,This order has been pending for a long time. Surprised yet not surprised that I got filled. Surprised that it took so long. Not surprised is that with the bearish views on reits due to higher interest rates for longer, it will be a matter of time before filled. Will just slowly accumulate while using the stock vouchers to further lower the costs of buying
I closed 4 lot(s) $GME 20240816 55.0 CALL$  ,Option expired worthless. Captured all the premiums. Will look to replace the short position. Let’s hope that GME can rally for me to replace the calls at better position.
$Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$  Meta earnings aftermath is the reason why I purposely avoid trading around earnings season. Earnings is very difficult to predict, and big swings can happen. I would rather enter new positions post earnings. Regarding meta, it's current core business is still doing well, but its heavy expenditure in AI is concerning. I do agree with the benefits of AI, however, market appears to place too much focus on AI. Hence, I am avoiding the AI related stocks. Volatility is expected to still remain high for AI related stocks 

Tiger 10th anniversary event in SG

Haven't been as active lately in Tiger community ever since my daughter's arrival. Nowadays I just mainly share my trades and respond to those who commented in my trade shares. Occasionally I will post when the topics trigger me and when I am free. With the drop in rewards for post sharing compared to when tiger just started, there isn't as much incentive to post as before.  Imagine my surprise when tiger community admin contacted me to ask me to attend Tiger's 10th year anniversary at Changi jewel. Well, I was Never a fan of such events and would like to just focus on making money. Didn't Had much expectations and just rushed down from work to attend the event. Reached late and was still working when I reached. Am surprised yet again with how friendly tiger team is as well as the set
Tiger 10th anniversary event in SG
I opened 5 lot(s) $DJT 20241018 50.0 CALL$  ,Making use of the reversal in DJT to sell call options. Trump will be able to sell his stocks first. He has always been known to be selfish and put himself first. He won’t care if his supporters go bankrupt or penniless. Doubt he will care if his selling his stake will crash the stock. His legal fees are still piling up. For all we know, he may need the cash to escape somewhere. 🤣
I opened 6 lot(s) $HEX.HK 20241030 260.00 CALL$  ,Shifted the call strike to 260 from 245. This will allow more room for earnings to move against me. With the recent weak sentiment of China markets, I do doubt that the move will be very bullish. But just in case. Let’s play it safer. In the event that market does crash down. I will take profit on the call and replace with strangle instead that’s nearer to the money
I closed 6 lot(s) $HEX.HK 20240829 245.00 CALL$  ,>42% profits. Tml is earnings. Not comfortable with such low strike entering earnings. $15 buffer is merely 6.5% higher than current price. Could be taken out if earnings burst through. Although I do feel that it’s unlikely. It’s still better to have a bird in the hand though and just take profits first
I closed 4 lot(s) $ALB.HK 20240730 75.00 PUT$  ,>96% profits. High risk position. Very very close to the money. Do not want to risk assignment. Just take profit and go
I opened 2 lot(s) $NKE 20240816 70.0 PUT$  ,Nike plunged after earnings. The response seems disproportionate to the earnings report. Drop seems excessive. Sell puts at delta 15 to provide more buffer in the event it drops further. Attempting to catch a quick reversal. High risk play. May take a while for reversal to happen
I closed 4 lot(s) $TMF 20240816 47.0 PUT$  ,Option expired worthless. Captured all the premiums. Will look to replace the short position. With sept rate cut incoming, This position could be hard to replace…
I opened 4 lot(s) $ALB.HK 20240927 92.50 CALL$  ,Planning to form a strangle. Starting with 92.5 call using the recent rally. Will wait for pull back before adding the puts to form the strangle
I closed 4 lot(s) $TCH.HK 20240530 350.00 CALL$  ,Closing position pre earnings. Currently it’s itm. Going to close my Tencent shares for profits and readjust the positions to form a strangle pre earnings
I opened 4 lot(s) $TMF 20240816 47.0 PUT$  ,Due to recent inflation reports. Inflation appears to have dropped in us to a level whereby Fed is likely to consider cutting interest rates in sept. There’s also warnings about potential recession if rate cuts doesn’t begin soon. Decided to be more aggressive in option selling. Closed previous position and did a vertical roll up to 47 strike. Time duration remains the same, but premium collected increased. Delta adjusted to around 20.
I closed $YINN 20240920 17.0 PUT$  ,Expired for 100% returns. Will look to replace if yinn drops in value to do another reversal
I closed 4 lot(s) $GME 20240726 45.0 CALL$  ,GME expired as expected. As the option premiums for new options dipped significantly, perhaps due to lack of interest, it became more worthwhile to let it expire than to replace the Position early. Will monitor the movement of Gme next week. If Gme continues downward trend, not much premiums to be made. Hopefully Gme bag holders push up Gme prices, then Iwill make it worthwhile to continue shorting. This position was entered in addition to the other one at different strikes so as to reduce the risk of assignment in case things dun go according to plan
Already been positioning for market reversal for a while with $ProShares UltraPro Short QQQ(SQQQ)$ $Direxion Daily Small Cap Bear 3X Shares(TZA)$ and continued selling calls on weaker stocks and stocks that I owned. Hence, my account actually rose instead of drop. Unsure of how long this reversal will last. Will have to remain nimble and see when to sell puts for greater margin of safety and take profits on my hedges.
I opened 4 lot(s) $ALB.HK 20240927 95.00 CALL$  ,Trump chances of becoming president increased after the shooting incident. It’s going to be very bearish for China stocks, as he has always used China as punching bag and distraction. Started to add on short call positions to defend against the move.
I closed 4 lot(s) $ALB.HK 20240927 92.50 CALL$  ,>86% profits. Decided to take early profits and move on. No point waiting for more than 10 days for remaining 14%
I opened 4.0 unit(s) $TSLA VERTICAL 241018 CALL 305.0/CALL 295.0$  ,Initially wanted to directly short tesla using short call options. However, iv is lower than hv. This means that current option value could be on the low side. There could be a risk of option premiums expanding. As I am to only be focused on direction (I.e.) shorting on this trade, I dun want volatility premiums to come in and mess up the trade. Hence I chose to short by using short vertical call spread instead. The 2 option contracts will balance off any volatility risk against my position and let me focus on my delta and time decay.
