Income Investing through option selling & dividend stock accumulation
03-12 15:27
03-12 14:20
I closed $TZA 20250321 14.0 PUT$  ,>95% profits. Do not wait to wait for expiry for remaining 5%. rather free up my margins and take advantage of the bounce to add my short positions 
03-12 14:19
I closed $GME 20250321 45.0 CALL$  ,>90% profits. Not much more premiums to squeeze. Do not want to wait for expiry, using the bounce to add to my short positions 
03-12 14:15
I opened $IONQ 20250425 35.0 CALL$  ,When insiders are selling. It is a very bad time to be buying. Do they know something that the buyers do not know? [Thinking]  well, will add on to my short positions that I closed previously. Let's see if I am right 
03-12 14:09
I opened $TSLA 20250425 335.0 CALL$  ,When reality bites. People come and try to talk up the stock. I wonder how much of talk will translate into real actions. .[Sly]  the anger against trump and musk is very real. Doesn't seem to have signs of abating, doubt Tesla Sales figures will be good anytime soon. Here's another vote of confidence for Tesla again. [Facepalm]  
I opened $MSTR 20250417 350.0 CALL$  ,Replace the short calls which translate that I took profit yesterday. Continue to short micro strategy. Contemplating to short either coin base or micro strategy, decided on microstrategy as the recent crypto reserve using other coins besides bitcoin, takes some wind out of Bitcoin. enter with some buffer, just in case there's any reversal 
I closed $BABA CALENDAR 250321/250417 CALL 100.0/CALL 100.0$  ,Tricky situation. $100 call strike isn't a comfortable strike to be in. However. With 10 days remaining, the risk of assignment is too high. I wanted to wait for the China's "two sessions" happy feelings to subdue before taking Action as this period is generally bullish. am Currently forced to roll further in time to monitor what happens next. As long as baba doesn't break $145, the bullish run is still contained for now 
I opened $HKEX(00388)$  ,Assigned short calls which translate to shorting at $300. At current price, it's effectively -$50 option premium position. will cover the position tomorrow to prevent holding costs. Will also study if I should continue the same short call position, or do I want to convert it to strangle position 
I closed $HEX.HK 20250429 300.00 CALL$  ,Quite surprised to get assignment as there's more than 1 month to go and ITM is within 15%, which isn't high.  that's The issue with options, even when it doesn't make sense, there could still be the counter party who will exercise the option for whatever reasons. So as option sellers, we have to be prepared for assignment when we start positions. Will adjust the position accordingly 
I opened $RIVN 20250417 15.0 CALL$  ,Started new position. In shorting rivian using call options. Trump is not supportive of electrical vehicles. Even straw usage is reversed. the only EV that has a chance of even survival is Tesla. Even Tesla's future is now uncertain with so much public anger against trump and Elon musk. Let's also not forget that tariffs will be imposed back against us automobiles. It's going to be interesting times ahead 
I closed $MSTR 20250321 500.0 CALL$  ,>93% profits. As crypto related stocks are too volatile. It's better to take profits when due. I still have existing short cryto positions. Will continue to take profits gradually 
I opened $TMF 20250314 45.0 CALL$  ,Replace back covered calls at same strike. $45 was my assigned strike price. If the call is assigned at $45, my stock will break even, while I collect options premiums. If not assigned, will just rinse and repeat, and sell more calls again. At ATM strike, the premiums collected are great 
I closed $BIU.HK 20250328 75.00 PUT$  ,>73% returns. Take profit first as still left 18 days to go. Do not want to take risk for remaining 27% of premiums. In addition, china's session is ending, the bullish bias will change to neutral or even bearish bias. Do not want to take the risk to wait. 
I closed $TMF 20250307 45.0 CALL$  ,Closed for 100% profits. Since it's a covered call position. Will replace covered call on Monday to continue collecting premiums 
I closed $EL 20250321 60.0 PUT$  ,>82% profits. Can see that countries are no longer giving face or faith that trump will honour his deals. Canada refused to lift retaliation tariff, which includes cosmetics. Decided to take risk off the table first, as Estée Lauder could be dragged into the mess. 
I closed $EL STRANGLE 250321 CALL 90.0/PUT 65.0$  ,around 80% profits. The tariff condition is getting me quite nervous on ester lauder. As Canada has started to tariff back against us cosmetics. decided to take profits early and study how to re-position 
I closed $DJT 20250321 48.0 CALL$  ,>89% profits. Take profits to release margin. DJT prices is on the low side. Will be difficult to re enter short calls. Will likely redeploy the margin to other positions
I opened $NFU.HK 20250429 45.00 CALL$  ,There's tendency for Chinese equity to rally during the annual china two session meeting. it is supposed to be paint a positive picture for the year ahead. So if it reverses during this period. It will be strange. However, there's also a tendency to go back to reality after the session when positive sentiments fade away. Hence why I sell my nongfu spring calls now. Will form a strangle with short puts after reversal 
I opened $TSLA 20250417 350.0 CALL$  ,Bearish on Tesla. Tesla rose cause of Elon musk and now.fall also due to Elon musk. Instead of focusing on building up Tesla, he is busy with other perharps more "worthy" endeavours. He is so successful that he managed to turn his supporters/fanatics against him. tesla will be the car brand that will be condemned world wide by trump hatters. Well done Elon musk. [Cool] heres my thumbs up to you. Please stir more nonsense. [Duh]   USA is getting what they voted for. [Sly]  
