@老王的投研笔记:B站基本面研判,中概股风险很高,所以非荐股非荐股!非荐股!本人有游戏股的空单!所以,非荐股!以下为正文:最近,一篇题为《“精神鸦片”竟长成数千亿产业》的新闻报道将网络游戏称为新型“毒品”、“精神鸦片”,直接在资本市场掀起了轩然大波,游戏公司股价遭遇大跌,外加暴雪CEO因性丑闻离职,中概股游戏公司腾讯、网易、中手游、心动公司等哀嚎一片,甚至连BILIBILI都大跌将近十个点,是不是很奇葩。首先,我想问下大家,B站是游戏股么?如果17年的时候,你说是,那我真的认了,毕竟那会fate grand order带了了90%的收入,但是现在,肯定不是。而且2019年的时候,央视网发了一个通知说,b站是年轻人最大的学习型网站,迄今为止,B站最火的UP主罗翔老师已经有1600万粉丝,罗翔老师是厚大的法考讲师。所以,B站肯定不是游戏股,那他是教育股么?前十大UP主只有罗老师是讲学习的,其他要么讲游戏,要么讲生活,所以B站肯定也不是教育股。那他到底是什么?好吧,我觉得B站是年轻人的油管,是年轻人的生活方式,是成长股。投资就是投年轻人。那现在B站贵还是不贵?我们来看看,B站昨天的收盘价是81块,上次处在这个价的时候还是去年12月底,在80到90之间横盘了大半个月,然后12月30日拜年祭的时候,边看晚会,股价边冲到了95,之后回落85,第二天冲上100。那么B站是否贵,就看现在的B站和去年相比,到底改变了什么。互联网的分析仍然看月活数、客户粘性、收入情况和收入结构,用PS来估值。我们先来看看月活,从2018年一季度的7750万到2021年一季度2.23亿,年平均增长率达到42%,非常迅速,但有朋友就问,后劲会不会比较乏力,毕竟中国年轻中24岁以下年轻人约为2.5亿人,其中1.8亿人都用B站,只剩下的6000万人,是不是用户增长的天花板呀?那我觉得您大可放心,一方面是内容的多元化使用户不断破圈,越来
@carleilos:$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$The price is not real. How is it a 90+% buy resulting in a dip? Who’s selling? I know I bought more and still hodling 😏
@Skylarsong:$Exela Technologies, Inc.(XELA)$Today i bought a new car and a new house. Because in the next few days im going to make so much money from exela that i can pay it off in full [YoYo]
@Wayneqq:$Lion-OCBC Sec HSTECH S$(HST.SI)$Anyone invested in this ETF or looking at this ETF? Do you think this is a good ETF to enter for China techheavy themes or are there better ETFs? [Grin]
@Skai:$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$is a boring stock. We just buy and hodl, and wait for the short squeeze. I may have to wait till the HFs decide to cut their loss and start covering the shorts or when the SEC implements more rules to stop all the illegal manipulation.But I don't care, as long as I'll make big bucks during the squeeze, which can change my life. Investing in other stocks doesn't guarantee profit and also doesn't guarantee huge profit. In AMC, I believe.How about you?