$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Hope everyone is fine. We are like crossing the Red Sea...Despite of the downtrend and some may have thought is because of the 3rd Dec announcement and what George says about our dividend. But not so, Sometime we just need to deepen our thoughts. Anyway, I continue to look forward and not giving up on META® Today, I would like to share with all about Perspective. Did you hear people saying:  Change your perspective and you'll change your life? So I use perspective in investment. Here goes.....Oh and below is IMO(in my opinion So, what is your perspective towards investment or investing in a company #MMAT. IPO give an opportunity to those who wants to invest from afar. That's of a great opportunity. Be grateful and be g
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Good morning guys.Today price action could have cause some emotional feel to some. That's simply because you have not know how to manage it or you still have not know what you hold. The picture below is what I have posted before. Humbly, I find that it's a fact that "The more you do your DD the more confident you have in Meta!" Not only confident. It's a fact now that Meta will sky rocket in the matter of time. So to say, we just hope that it will be sooner that we shoot to the moon or start climbing the Everest.Do not be disheartened by the daily price action. And in fact some technical analysis has price going down to $4.30 range. All these are the processes and interest from the public. BlackRock recently purchase close
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Did you guys ever see how Biotech stock play run before?I did, and once it runs you can hardly catch up with the stock price. Its like a Gamma Squeeze. This biotech play could rocket while we at at the 2 or 3 digits SP. So just keep yourself updated and look forward to the day to come. Another words to say is Be Patient!!#MMAT: " Medical Wireless Sensing – In healthcare, we seek to enhance imaging and sensors to improve diagnosis, treatment, and management of chronic diseases. Our radiWISE™ technology enhances the signal to noise ratio for MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) systems by up to 40x (best in class). We are pursuing partnerships to design updated prototypes and developing a plan to conduct clinical studies. ME
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$If you have seen my two earlier posting. It's about the ex-dividend date. I am not sure what will happen when that day comes and I am still trying to find out and hopefully I don't make any mistake by then.According to what it says and IMO It is advised that on that day(Dividend announment day) we will see a certain VALUE in mmtlp which is the dividend PLACEMENT NOT PAYOUT. IMO from the what I read or listen. But many will think that it is ready to sell off.  It(Source) advise that we have to wait for the dividend payout. Which is 2 DAYS! after ex-dividend date. With that been said I may not be 100% correct, but as I said above: I hope I will not make any mistake regards to the dividend I suppose to recieve.So, each of
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Dear all, there's been lots of speculation about Meta especially MMTLP and dividend matters. You may have heard about WayRay mention that they will be making a major announcement on 29th Nov Monday. This date has coincided with one of George tweets. So speculation gets more mass. Mostly think that this will be the day of Meta's dividend announcement date. So below here is a write up from one of the investment site explaining about the different date to take note when we receive the announment. Please read and take it with a grain of salt. IMO! Have a blessed weekend..... Important dividend dates When it comes to dividends, there are 4 important dates for investors to keep in mind: Announcement date • The announcement d
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$portion of bonus I use to add in more shares..before 2022 begin.I hope I don't see this dip any more after the dividend announcement date.
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Guys, hope to have a like from you at This week Tiger Star. I got selected and had posted inside to promote MMAT. Give a like so that other ticker will know us. META!! Towards the future...
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$These are the 3 very unusual day trade. They give its name: Barcoding. It move horizontally for a long period of time between 1 to 2 cents most is 3cents.
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$I will not sell my dividend till Meta make an official announcement. As for now, Hold and Behold....
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Despite of I am still under the Red zone. I consider winning in Meta by putting myself ahead of time. That's what makes me thinking of adding more shares in MMAT. Have a lovely days......
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Check update on Meta News..
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Very likely that the dividend announcement will come anytime and at the "end of the trading day". It should caught the Shorts by surprise and give very little time for preparation. So, be on guard and keep up on daily news about Meta and what's going on. Because the day may come as a surprise to all of us here too. This Christmas gift may come early or later. But it will definitely come!!Cheers and have a wonderful Sunday! Stay safe by protecting yourself first then your love ones.
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Morning Post: Guys this is what happen to OSTK dividend. It could be the same as Meta when the dividen share is announce. I suggest that you hold on to your dividen share and wait to see the price surge in action. It's happening soon... hold on tight to your seatbelt. We are flying at high speed...
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Guys a few brokers apps like RH and others has recieve new ticker. Could be our dividend we been waiting for. The time could be near..and round the corner. 
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Can someone translate to English for me. Thanks
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$This week trading has been quiet unusual as most think its accumulation and consolidation. Majority thinks next week gonna be very interesting to the the price action. Hopefully yield some positive results. Cheer!
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Not Financial or Technical advise. But I hope the chart is correct.
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$Added more shares. Average down!!
$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$George just tweeted 35mins ago. Since when did you see a CEO so committed. Guys, you had invested in the right company 
$Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$Anyone has confirmation regards to the merger between AGC and Grab?Did most think the merger is 11.11.21 tomorrow? Where is the ticker symbol Grab?
