
Riding into the hype.

Many of us have seen the violatile of 'Trump-related' stocks. Some have positive gains, while some have posted loss. I, myself, have also suffered from losses in such meme stocks.A short read on the background, and a little of what caused the hype on such stocks.As many would have know, he, who got kicked off from popular social media apps, have launched his own social media named Truth Social under his company Trump Media and Technology Group. His company and $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC)$will merge and list on Nasdaq.Such news prompt his supporters, many of whom were from his president-elected days, to come forward to invest into DWAC causing the spike in price.Shortly after the increase, other companies who supported his ele
Riding into the hype.
I think something similar was said when they published a wonderful Q2 results? And history repeats again when the shorts win right after it went up a little after announcement. 
Palantir Stock: Teaching The Market A Lesson
When will the dip end. They keep saying buy the dip, but once i buy, the dip continues to go for landslide. Red is an eyesore. [叹气] 
Palantir plunged more than 13%
Personally, I feel that you should inform your partner on your investments. He or she may not be interested nor understand what is share trading. But at least when something bad suddenly happen to you, they know how to unlock yoir account to gain access to your funds, and not let the funds stuck in an account which they have diffculties withdrawing or closing the account. [微笑] I also believe the saying of investing secretly and only show if you have success. So I only choose to inform my partner on my personal details. I dont invest using credit, thus my losses are still within my limits. [财迷] Lastly, give me the bear bear lah. Consolation prize and let TigerBrokers, Tigeress and Tiger friends be my Valentine. [流泪] 
Then the price will increase 200% or not? [开心] 
HIVE Buys 3,019 High Performance Bitcoin Miners Increasing Production By 46% Immediately
Can someone like my comment pls? Thank youvery much. [爱你] [爱你] 
Moderna: A Top COVID-19 Vaccine Player, but Is Its Valuation Justified?
I agree to his view to a certain extent. As developed countries evolve from a 3G to 4G or 5G economy, companies which are hot in a 3G economy will face outcast if they leave themselves stagnant and not innovative and not wanting to explore and differentiate. As new competition arise, old companies like Zeping mentioned will fade off. Depending on the location you are in, the economy will differ from others.To sustain and head into a new and better economy, new tools are needed. No doubt Chinese companies will flourish, but with constant intervention from authorities, even the good ones will take a hit.I like semiconductor companies. The world needs them. I personally love $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$and 
Can one kind soul help to like and comment? Thanks in advance. [爱你] 
Jack Dorsey's Square Commences Operations As An Industrial Bank
I was lucky to joined Tiger in Jan 2021 when it was very established, one of the decision I am thankful for this year.My first stock I liked and traded is $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$. My first stock in Tiger have dipped but I am still holding on to the first stock I have traded.The first follower I followed is none other than @小虎活动 . Gotten to know many news and followed many more Tigers through its posts.First article I posted is about Tesla and crypto-related article. I remember then Tesla announced its intention to accept Bitcoin as payment.With it, you can guess that I am a young Tiger. I am glad to know many fellow Tiger and Tigeress down here, and many shared their valuable know
The rain has been predicted and every government official has done their best to inform and donall necessarily preventive measure. However, 人算不如天算, the disaster came worse than preparation.Many places faced deadly floods that claimed valuable lives and assets. Natural disasters are hardly preventable, only to minimise the damages due advanced technologies.Hang in there, help will continuous arrive. Stay safe everyone. Hope this flood will wash away all the contagious covid virus awaym [流泪] [流泪] 
Except for the low transaction fees, I like the rewards given out to all Tiger users. I also like the chances given to all Tiger to interact with each other. This gives users a platform and a chance to exchange useful pointers and valuable knowledge. Tiger made me logging in every single day since I create an account with Tiger Brokers and keep reading news articles and activities to onteract and find more fellow Tiger Friends.With endless praise and countless awards for Tiger throughout the 7 years, I would like to end off by saying a big "Thank You" for making everything so smooth and user friendly, allowing me to expose myself into stock trading and learning everyday about the world economy.Well done Tiger! Keep up the wonderful job which you all have been doing! [爱你] 
五月初五 端午节祝大家身体健康 平平安安。希望每个都会三五成群在一起玩的快快乐乐 在市场上赢的有声有色 投资组合五彩缤纷 青的比红多。
This article is pretty detailed, sharing all the stocks and insights. Will be happy for more of such articles so to gain more knowledge. Well done. Keep up the good work. [真香] [真香] 
My 36 Stock $338K Portfolio: Back Into China
