This is half-truth and manipulative. Please refer to a reliable source of information:*1tq92qw*_ga*TF9vUkxKTWNUNnlLQXNabW91cERSbVRYN1RISl9HVS11MDIwUV9vcHBoak9oN0cxMEc0UUVURDRtNXd0RG9XWQ..
Sundial Growers Q2 Sales $9.15M Miss $9.43M Estimate
AMC is facing an extrinsic issue- the pandemic which it has no control over. After all it’s over it’s booming time for AMC and other stocks similarly affected.
One of the most popular cannabis stock and most hotly debated among analysts and meme retail investors. There are as many bullish comments as bearish articles causing extreme uncertainties hence the wild ride on its stock prices. My take is SNDL has very strong and capable management and has propelled the company to outperform major cannabis ETF indices for the past 1 year and will continue to do so in future.