$特斯拉(TSLA)$ Bloomberg更新model 3产量预测 骤减至1600台/周 原因大致是因为特斯拉自5月23起再没有向美国车管所部门注册VINS number .先上图后文有解释为何预测产量骤降. 原地址https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2018-tesla-tracker/ 翻墙可看 下面是这次数据更新的note更新于6.18 Changes to Our Model Today we made some significant changes to our model. The two alterations affect Method 1, the way we track batches of VINs registered with U.S. safety regulators. As a result, our cumulative Model 3 production estimates fell by about 8 percent. Change 1: Buffer Methodology Our two datasets had been departing significantly in recent weeks, with the model of registered VINs reaching unrealistic heights. We think that, as production scaled up, our model wasn't accounting for a sufficient buffer of VINs that Tesla keeps on hand a