$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$Guys,what are we waiting for?Now it's the perfect time to continue buying GEO Group shares in order to squeeze the shorts.Spread this great opportunity to everyone that you know.
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ To short sellers: all of us know GEO Group is great and super undervalued with huge potential due to the fundamentals.We all know how many shares that you have shorted and how many shares you have and how many shares you have to buy back and cover.We all know it's the best interest for you guys to manipulate the price and buy back shares at a longer term and at a much cheaper price.However, no matter how you manipulate the GEO Group's shares price, that won't change the fundamentals of this great company and won't get any shares from us.You can't take that much time to gather that huge amount of shares by trading at this low volume.We all see through you guys.So in terms of no a waste of time for you , just a
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$Since Michael Burry is back with heavier load of GEO Group shares, he must be much more confident than the last quarter.The price of GEO Group has been going up while the daily trading volume is fairly low.At the same time, we don't see a sudden increase on puts in the options' market.What does it indicate?It indicates short sellers have no other options and plans except getting squeezed.They have to pay much more than they expected to gather shares from other institutional investors and us.More and more people realize that this is one of the greatest opportunities for retail investors and even some institutional investors.So everybody spread this great opportunity with everyone that you know.And meanwhile, bu
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$Buy more geo Group shares everybody!Don’t sell a single share to short sellers!Let’s keep this momentum until short sellers get squeezed!It could explode anytime from now on!Spread this great opportunity ASAP with every one that you know!Let’s get rich together!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$There is no doubt about the fundamentals anymore.Buy more GEO Group shares and hold them to the moon everybody!Spread this great opportunity with everyone that you know!Let’s start this short squeeze momentum!If we keep this momentum for 8 days in a roll,then the short squeeze will inevitably happen!In the meantime,please watch out the block trade in the dark pool everybody!If the short sellers start covering,they will probably do it quickly,aggressively and quietly in terms of transaction time and place.Just buy more GEO Group shares and hold them firmly to the moon!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ Great price!Great opportunity!Buy GEO Group stock everybody!Let’s squeeze the short sellers out!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ Now it is very clear that we don't have performance pressure but major short sellers do have.They don't want to see us holding this stock very firmly.They have huge shorting positions.That's why they have to use their limited shares they have to make the GEO Group's price go down.But as we can see the trading volume is still fairly low.What does it mean?It means they can't scare us!It means we bought more shares at a lower price!It means we are shaping the rock solid bottom stock price in order to make sure short sellers won't make any pennies before the date their 13f file released within from June 30th 2021 to August 14th 2021.So what are we supposed to do next?Same answer!Buy more GEO Group shares and hold

GEO Group Short Squeeze Update!

$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$Now it is very clear that we don't have performance pressure but major short sellers do have.They don't want to see us holding this stock very firmly.They have huge shorting positions.That's why they have to use their limited shares they have to make the GEO Group's price go down.But as we can see the trading volume is still fairly low.What does it mean?It means they can't scare us!It means we bought more shares at a lower price!It means we are shaping the rock solid bottom stock price in order to make sure short sellers won't make any pennies before the date their 13f file released within from June 30th 2021 to August 14th 2021.So what are we supposed to do next?Same answer!Buy more GEO Group shares and holding them to the m
GEO Group Short Squeeze Update!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ Buy more GEO Group shares and Hold until it goes to the moon! Please spread this GEO Group live billboard everybody!!!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ Great job everybody!The trading volume is super low and the price stays at the similar level.Short sellers must be desperate.So we should keep doing the same.Get more people involved!Keep buying GEO Group shares and hold it until it goes to the moon!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ Based on the newest short interest report, GEO Group has 28.89% 06/15/21.It's still a very high short interest number.So the short seller just covered around 7% that day.They have performance pressure because of their fee structure but not us.We continue buying and holding until we squeeze them out!No matter it is in value investing perspective or short squeeze perspective,GEO Group is definitely a super good investment opportunity to buy and hold! Let's focus on buying and holding until it goes to the moon!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ GEO Group short sellers may have two ways to cover and get out.First,they will buy quietly and then they will buy violently around June the 24th when we all will be able to see the newest short interest data.Second,they will keep buying shares quietly for months at a super cheap price like right now.No matter which way they will take.The best thing for us to do is to keep buying and holding GEO Group shares until it goes to the moon! We need to buy faster in order to shorten the whole process! And the more shares we buy and hold, the more panic short sellers are!Meanwhile, be alerted to institutional block trading happen in dark pool!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ 空头想尽可能用手中仅有的货把价格打下来,然后想低价补仓,但是这么清淡的交易量意味着大多数其他多头投资者不吃这一套。要想补回自己的仓位必须以非常高的价格和巨大的交易量来做到。对于大多数散户投资者的我们来说,现在能多买多少酒多买多少股!千万不要卖手中的股票!!!一直等到空头回补让这只股票涨到天际!!!!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ 昨天卖空者试图吓唬散户卖出自己的股票,以从散户那里购买更多的股票。今天卖空者试图购买更多的股票以悄悄地回补头寸,以更长时间做空这只股票。但如果我们不出售任何GEO Group股票并继续购买更多股票,这种情况就不会发生!卖空者大约需要8个交易日才能回补完有足够的货!让我们继续持有并购买更多GEO Group股票,直到价格上涨到天际!!!!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ $The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$ 空头现在在用自己手里有限的货打压股票价格做空赚钱,然后以更便宜的价格从散户投资者手中以更便宜的价格买更多GEO股票,所以散户投资者不要卖给空头机构任何手中的GEO股票,如果有闲钱,今天在低价继续买进!空头手里的货很少,挺不过2周。最后空头不得不从散户投资者手中以非常高的价格买进股票来补自己做空的仓位才能保证自己不会被平仓!
$The GEO Group, Inc.(GEO)$绝好的轧空时机,大家只要尽快尽多买入然后持有到涨到高价!
