
$特斯拉(TSLA)$即將超越09/01高點:502.49- 電池日前夕,眾家分析報告,依據即將公佈的新電池革命性產品的部分了解,紛紛調高$特斯拉(TSLA)$目標價至515、630 。先恭喜近日要賣股操作的伙伴,都有機會500以上高價賣出。

部分謫要翻譯Piper Sandler 報告:

派珀·桑德勒分析師亞歷克斯·波特將特斯拉股票的價格目標從每股480美元提高至每股515美元,同時維持該股的超重評級。 "在分析了特斯拉業務的兩個不太瞭解的方面後,我們提價目標,並重申我們的超重評級。這些是:1)能源部分和2)伊隆·馬斯克的薪酬,"波特寫道。 波特稱特斯拉能源是"每個人都試圖避免的話題",因為許多分析師的預測中沒有納入業務線。然而,派珀·桑德勒認為,該業務具有巨大的增長潛力,併為特斯拉的估值提供了上行機會。 "我們現在預計特斯拉能源的收入最終將超過2000億美元/年,TSLA將控制固定電池市場的1/3。我們預計,隨著可再生能源增長到發電量的40%,對這些產品的需求將急劇上升,尤其是在2020年代末和2030年代。 至於Musk的薪酬計劃,波特指出,它給GAAP收益帶來重大拖累,尤其是在2020年下半年,因為業績里程碑有可能實現。 [無論何時] 基於業績的里程碑被跨越,觸發另一批既得期權,TSLA 股東必須忍受基於股票的複合 (SBC) 的突然上漲。在未來幾個季度,這個行專案將特別繁瑣,特斯拉預計將預訂股票為基礎的公司。

Piper Sandler analyst Alex Potter has increased his price target on Tesla stock from $480 per share to $515 per share while maintaining an overweight rating on the stock.

"We are upping our price target and reiterating our Overweight rating after analyzing two poorly-understood aspects of Tesla's business. These are: 1) the Energy segment and 2) Elon Musk's compensation," Potter writes.

Potter calls Tesla Energy "the topic everyone tries to avoid" due to the lack of inclusion of the business line in many analysts' forecasts. Piper Sandler, however, believes the business has significant growth potential and provides upside to Tesla's valuation.

"We now expect Tesla Energy to eventually exceed $200B/yr in revenue, with TSLA controlling over 1/3 of the market for stationary batteries. We anticipate sharply higher demand for these products, particularly in the late 2020s and 2030s, as renewable energy grows toward 40% of electricity generation," says Potter.

As for Musk's compensation plan, Potter notes the significant drag it has on GAAP earnings, particularly in the second half of 2020 as performance milestones become likely to be achieved.

"[Whenever] performance-based milestones are crossed, triggering another tranche of vested options, TSLA shareholders must endure sudden up-ticks in stock-based comp (SBC). This line item will be particularly burdensome in the next few quarters, with Tesla expected to book stock-based ....,


