13 August 2021: Update on 2Q Sofi Tech's results & Mkt update


$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ Sofi Tech recently released its 2Q2021 results and I decided to do a quick writeup following my article on Sofi published a month or 1.5 months ago, during which I mentioned that there is no need to rush into this stock given my current portfolio allocation as well as the pricing on Sofi.

Price wise, it had hit around a recent low of 14.5 USD before finding ground to retest around 17.5 USD. However, the recent 2Q 2021 results see the price operating at around 10% down from yesterday close.

Sofi Tech share price

As a recap, above diagram gives one a quick idea of what Sofi is doing if one has not looked at my old article.

While quarterly revenue did grow significantly on year on year basis, quarter on quarter growth is not that impressive. Its member growth for Sofi membership is also growing around 10% per quarter, which is a decent number though not fantastic. What is worrying is its bread and butter business in lending products, which one can see that its product growth seem to have slowed since 2020. We will have to watch out for it.

For its recent acquisition of Galileo, its 2Q2021 revenue and profit was even lower than that of 1Q2021.

Whats good is the growth in financial services segment, which one can follow to see if it can provide a growth engine for it. Given its current loss making situation and yet to be improved payment technology platform and relatively small financial services platform, current market may still perceive Sofi as a lending platform and whether can it warrant a 13x price to sales would be a question to ask...

Long story short, there is simply no need for me to rush into Sofi. I will wait to see if Sofi can retrace to below 12 USD before looking. $Upstart Holdings, Inc.(UPST)$ Upstart... is an interesting company and stock, which I did not have the chance to acquire a position since it has moved up significantly after its 2Q2021 results.

As for the Asia markets today, news were reporting that Ningbo port closure may have caused some fear in the Chinese markets. Well who to blame except for the Delta variant. $小米集团-W(01810)$ Xiaomi price has also come down by close to 1 HKD during market trading today but in any way, I believe the US and European markets will not undergo another lockdown and thus purchases of Xiaomi products from these markets, including Latin America may help to bring the good sales of Xiaomi handsets in 2Q2021 into 3Q2021.

$阿里巴巴-SW(09988)$ $腾讯控股(00700)$ Again, there is no need to rush into Alibaba and Tencent positions given my current capital allocation.

Tencent share price

Alibaba share price

As always, the above should not be construed as any investment or trading advice.



  • 哎呀呀小伙子
    SoFi Technologies Inc. 所属市场: NYSE 公司概况: SoFi Technologies, Inc.于2020年7月10日作为特拉华州公司注册成立。他们是一家以会员为中心的一站式数字金融服务商店,允许会员借贷、储蓄、消费、投资和保护他们的资金。他们的使命是帮助其成员实现财务独立,以实现他们的抱负。对他们来说,经济独立并不意味着富有,而是代表他们的成员有能力在生活的每个阶段拥有经济手段来实现他们的个人目标,例如拥有房屋、家庭或职业他们的选择——更简单地说,有足够的钱做他们想做的事。他们成立于2011年,开发了一套金融产品,提供只有集成数字平台才能提供的速度、选择、内容和便利性。为了让他们实现自己的使命,他们必须帮助人们正确理财,这意味着让他们能够更好地借贷、更好地储蓄、更好地消费、更好地投资和更好地保护。他们今天所做的一切都是为了帮助他们的成员“正确地赚钱”,他们努力创新并为他们的成员建立实现这一目标的方法。好股。
  • 宝宝金水_
  • 王无所不知
  • 小时候可帅了00
    SoFi Technologies Inc.好股呀,分析的很好,技术图非常美。
  • 霎风雨
  • 揭人不揭短