September is always one of the poorest performance for the stock market.
As a long term investor, I’m not too worried about and of such movements. Any drastic/ significant drop in blue chip counters represents a buying opportunity for me. Examples of such include Microsoft and Apple. These 2 stocks are definitely here to stay and I can foresee myself/ companies still using it 5-30 years down the road.
To summarize, don’t panic on any poor performingdays/ months. Look at S&P500 performance over the last 50-100 years. The only way is up! Set asidethis sum of money and stay invested for the long run. Exit these investments when you’re retiring (25-40 years down the road). I am sure you’ll get an attractive return!
Please like and share your views on my article! Keen to hear different perspectives.
I’m invested in both Microsoft and Apple.
@tiger shares @tigershares