
Nice try Shorties, you must be freaking out about now!, BTBT is one of the biggest players amongst all the Bitcoin miners. Really second to none. The only reason it’s incredibly cheap, undervalued and on sale right now is the amount of shorting that’s plagued them since they shot
up over 350% late July- early August, right around the time BTBT and Digihost announced their collaboration deal. Short Sellers have had a field day ever since and have built a stronghold that’s kept BTBT down ever since!, even though BTBT has a strong financial footing and is profitable the amount of FUD that continuously gets posted by shorts and Fudsters continues to pick away at retail investors who should be buying and holding Bit Digital shares with confidence and holding when their shares start climbing instead of giving into sane Fear Uncertainty and Doubts that these Short sellers have become so efficient and organized at spreading. Soon it’s not going to matter anymore as Bitcoin will soon be climbing to a new all time high!, Next week is when the new Bitcoin futures ETF is supposed to IPO. The low price of BTBT’s shares followed by a short squeeze is gonna be phenomenal and I can’t wait to be part of it. GLTA!

$Bit Digital, Inc.(BTBT)$


