
Many things to think about here, important to remember that BTBT is every bit as powerful as MARA , with a better outlook and a share price that is over 3x lower. BTBT has continued to be the target of several Short attacks, all of which BTBT along with its strong investor presence has managed to gain strength and hold a strong position throughout these Short seller attempts. Bit Digitals share price should be over $30 right now. There’s gonna be a short squeeze like no other soon, as the price of Bitcoin grows stronger and investors start piling into BTBT for the sale of a lifetime. Future looks great for this company as they’ve made two acquisitions recently one with Digihost a collaborative deal that’s supplies them more clean zero carbon power and increased Hashrate. The second with The company recently entered into a strategic co-mining agreement with Blockfusion USA, Inc., which features vast hash power without a big carbon footprint.

According to the agreement, Blockfusion will assist Bit Digital with the operation of a 35-megawatt Bitcoin mining system for a term of 2 years. The arrangement also provided for automatic 1 year renewals.

If everything works out as planned, this partnership will facilitate an increase in Bit Digital’s hash rate of up to approximately 1.2 Exahash. GLTA

$Bit Digital, Inc.(BTBT)$


