$GameStop(GME)$ Not only are NFT's not cryptos with any potential dividend involved, NFT's would require GME to own the 'rights' to a game and 'mint' it first in the ethereum blockchain with some hefty gas fees involved before 'copies' can even be sold. Also, anyone buying would need to own ethereum by establishing a crypto wallet first and then pay about $3 to transfer from one wallet to another and that's on top of the cost of the game itself, new or used. Most important, since crypto's are traded 24/7, its actual value may change dramatically before you even check out. So how's that gonna work?
And if they actually pay to own the exclusive rights to a game, why do they even need an NFT? Not a crypto/nft expert, but it seems to me that GME only started down this road to keep the apes excited ("crypto" being the magic buzz word) and to perpetuate its meme status just to help keep its price propped before their secondary offerings. So the fact they actually hired some NFT staff could just be window dressing.
Will someone please educate me otherwise? much appreciated, thx