
FB reiterated overweight with a $450 price target at JPMorgan Negative Facebook news flow seen before, buy the selloff, says JPMorgan Facebook shares are up 22% year-to-date but down 13% from recent highs "on considerable negative news flow," JPMorgan analyst Doug Anmuth tells investors in a research note. Going into the Q3 results, the analyst is "comfortable" with his Q3 revenue estimate of $29.5B and he does not believe investors are expecting much upside. Heading toward earnings, the setup is "fairly different" with the shares closer to $330 than $380, says Anmuth. The analyst recommends buying Facebook on the pullback, saying the negative news flow has been seen before and that
Facebook itself continues to call for regulation. Anmuth keeps an Overweight rating on the shares with a $450 price target. So what r u worry about??  $Facebook(FB)$


