$老虎证券(TIGR)$1.老虎是走国际化路线的,不止是中国用户。Tiger is an international platform not just Chinese users and Chinese companies. 2.国内高层与国际投行高层刚进行过安抚性质的谈话。China’s securities regulatorheld a meeting with executive of top global investment banks on Wednesday to calm financial market nerves. 3.数据显示418家中概股公司在美上市,对美股来说也不是小众市场。There are 418 Chinese companies listed on US exchanges which is not a small group. 4.中国经济未来明朗,外资也希望赚钱。China’s economy is in bright future which provides profitable investment in the long term. 5. 总体来说中国对于境外融资是开放态度,只是一些产业需要注重国家安全与社会底线问题。overall China is supportive of domestic companies seeking to listoversea. Except some companies that are closely related to national security and bottomline of social development.