
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ This is probably old news for the TSLA faithfull, but all you folks buying the present dip seem to have forgotten that there are several hundred million more shares outstanding (mostly FLOAT) since Elon Musk has WATERED existing shareholders when he exercised hundreds of millions of options, essentially FREE ($6.24/share.)
Musk, behaving as the astute capitalist that he is, has no qualms about pulling the rug out from under the TSLA faithfull.
I expect to retest the $880 share price. We may, or may not head lower from there depending on weather “record deliveries” translate to genuine profits or merely a plethora of leased vehicles “destined to become?” THE PROMISED
ROBO-TAXI FLEET as Musk’s account juggling business plan directs.
I hope you novice investors realize that Musk’s business model doesn’t count on car sale profitability to justify TSLA’s incredible market capitalization……


