Memo stocks holders realize the nefarious components of the market.


Citadel has too much power. It's a shame a private company can dictate the fate of good American Companies and good people trying to make good investments.

The market is broken in so many ways that investors are quickly understanding that the odds are against them. The people who follow AMC and GME and other meme stocks now realize all the nefarious components of the market. Just think about all the other stocks symbols that have no idea what is really going on. They are still sitting in front of their computer screens looking at the ticker and believing that they are looking at real-time data when in fact they are not.

I have lost interest in the stock market. It is no longer exciting because it is not real. What we see is what they want us to see. There is no natural ebb and flow. $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$  $GameStop(GME)$


