Weekly Market Analysis S&P 500


Market Crash incoming...?[OMG] 

Time and time again there will be articles calling the top and expecting a massive market crash in hopes to be right one time. These articles usually come with pictures of someone sad or shocked.[Duh] 

Let's take a look at the previous times these articles appear.[Serious] 

"A broken clock is right twice every 24 hours."

Instead of predicting the top, they have been accurately calling the bottom of corrections/retracements more often than not.[Helpless] 

Technical Analysis

As we can see, $S&P500 ETF(SPY)$ is still in an uptrend and progressing well in the rising channel. While a small correction is plausible, a market crash is unlikely.[Happy] 

Zooming into the daily chart, a breakthrough and hold above 470.94-471.24 is a bullish sign with targets at 474.87 and 476.87. A breakdown and hold below 464.67 is bearish and my targets will be 463.14 and 461.86. If it breakdowns and fail to hold above 461.86, we can potentially test 453.60.[Blush] 

What to do now?

For short-term traders, we can use the levels as guidelines to enter or exit our trades.[Miser] 

For long-term investors, we can slowly accumulate more shares of companies we believe in at cheaper prices while the market dips.[Eye] 

Disclaimer: The levels given are my own opinions and not investment advice. If you choose to follow the trade, do note that you are responsible for your own money. Prioritise your own risk management, expel emotions & focus on your trading plan.

Intraday trade strategy/guide:

  1. Introduction to J.O.I.T (1)
  2. Three Major Types of J.O.I.T (2)

Long-Term investing strategy/guide:

  1. How to buy the dip for fundamentally good stocks? (Bollinger Bands)

@TigerStars Have an idea to share? Feel free to comment below.[Smart] 



  • huuou
    Retail investors are lambs waiting to be slaughtered. It's really hard to make money in the stock market.
  • maroketo
    In my opinion, the rise of U.S. stocks for many years in a row means that a deep adjustment may occur at any time.The Federal Reserve has already released the signal that it will raise interest rates in 2022. If we don't choose to sell high-valued stocks now, we will only have huge losses on the books.
  • letgo09
    No matter from the point of view of technology or the attitude of the Federal Reserve, the decline of the United States is imperative, but it may not be a plunge.