
$AMD(AMD)$ Listen I am going to be transparent in the fact I recently bought into this stock and I am not seasoned in how the company is run internally as I have zero insider knowledge. But I do know a few things...
1: The company financials are good, the volume is high, and analysis concludes this could be a good buy and is undervalued.
2: The chart and overall current price indicates that there should be a fair rebound soon. I am not an expert but I did do my DD.
3: Many, many people believe in this stock. I see a strong base of people looking to boost this stock up which could very realistically cause it to rally again. Strength in numbers.
4: The company outlook is great. With a whole new Vr market opening up which could end up being worth billions, you best believe AMD will be supplying a lot of the chips and microdevices to these operating systems.
Hoping for the best, but I also walk with confidence too, my buy has a basis it just needs to go smoothly.


