
The hearings are a joke! So, a senator created a teen account and viewed info on plastic surgery. Is she so dense not to realize that anyone can get that information and anything else they want from Google search.? This should not be about FB. It's a problem with the entire internet, the music, movie and TV industries, not to mention what they hear at home and from peers. Political cronies love to waste tax dollars while pretending to protect kids and the public. I suggest they monitor their kids to hear the kind of music they listen to and what they Google search or watch on Netflix, Apple tv,etc, etc. Of course, they'd rather attack FB again and again. They should monitor their own kids and themselves, if they can year themselves away from the pornxxx channels for a while. Call or write your reps and tell them to get real and open their eyes instead of our pocket books by wasting our tax dollars! We predict regulatory pressure to bring the sp down to $195

$Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$ $Alphabet(GOOGL)$ $Netflix(NFLX)$ $Apple(AAPL)$


