

$恒生指数(HSI)$ ,涨0.22%;恒生中国国企指数 $国企指数(HSCEI)$ ,涨0.35%。中国12月PPI创下两年多来最低增幅,通缩忧虑重燃,沪指震荡收跌,券商、电力股弱,港股则小幅收高,录得5连升。
HSI , up 0.22%; HSCEI, up 0.35%. Although the trade war between US and China seems to be easing, with few details after 3 days of mid-level talks, other than the promise of more discussion, equity. Investors are taking a pause.

$中国生物制药(01177)$ ,涨11.61%。公司附属公司江苏正大丰海制药有限公司研发的抗菌药“利奈挫胺葡萄糖注射液”已获得中国国家药品监督管理局颁发的药品注册批件。该药全面覆盖革兰氏阳性球菌,与其他抗菌药几乎无交叉耐药,生物利用率高、肺组织浓度高、安全性高、低血浆蛋白结合率。该药品疗效确切,临床需求量大,市场前景广阔。
1177, Sino Biopharmaceutical, up 11.61%. The company announced that “Yi Rui Da”, a linezolid and glucose injection of its subsidiary Jiangsu Chia Tai Fenghai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., has obtained approval for drug registration by the National Medical Products Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Linezolid is a new type of synthetic antibiotics which can inhibit bacterial protein synthesis and fully cover gram-positive cocci. It has almost no cross-resistance with other antibacterial drugs and has distinct pharmacokinetics advantages. The market prospect is board.

$石药集团(01093)$ ,涨7.57%。 $石四药集团(02005)$,涨5.02%。 $东阳光药(01558)$ ,涨7.64%。 $四环医药(00460)$ ,涨6.94%。药厂股齐涨。经过去年中国医疗保健股票跌势加速后,分析师对这一版款的目标价看起来很乐观。彭博数据显示,制药商12个月平均目标价比其股价高出36%,这接近2011年以来的最大差距。
1093, CSPC Pharmaceutical Group, up 7.57%. 2005, SSY Group, up 5.02%. 1558, Yichang HEC Changjiang Pharmaceutical, up 7.64%. 460, Sichuan Pharmaceutical, up 6.94%. Analysts’ price targets on Chinese health-care stocks are looking optimistic after a sell-off in the sector accelerated toward the end of last year. The average 12-month target on drug makers is 36% higher than their share price, according to Bloomberg data. That’s close to the biggest GAP since 2011.

$药明生物(02269)$ ,涨6.79%,5日涨26.78%,药明生物与北海康成共同宣布,双方进一步扩大罕见病领域战略合作关系,药明生物将赋能北海康成发现、开发、和商业化4个新的针对罕见遗传慢性病的候选药物。协议规定,北海康成拥有这些药物在全球市场或特定区域的独家权益。药明生物将获得首付款、里程碑付款,及产品上市后的销售提成,并成为这些药物临床生产的独家合作伙伴及商业化生产主要合作伙伴。
2269, Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc, up 6.79%, 5 days up 26.78%. CANbridge Pharmaceuticals and Wuxi Biologics have expanded their rare disease therapeutics partnership to enable the former to discover, develop, and commercialised four additional drug candidates. These new candidates target rare genetic chronic diseases. According to the agreement, CANbridge has an exclusive regional or global rights for these therapies. WuXi Biologics will receive upfront, milestone payments and royalties. WuXi Biologics will also be the exclusive clinical supplier and primary commercial for all these programs.

$阿里健康(00241)$ ,涨6.75%。公司公布,辉瑞制药与其在北京签署战略合作备忘录,在药品追溯、智慧医疗等方面继续展开战略合作,并逐步探索用药安全、患者教育等领域的深度研究。双方亦将进行落地医师培训公益项目。
241, Alibaba Health Information Technology, up 6.75%. Ali Health previously announced that Pfizer and Ali Health signed a strategic cooperation memorandum in Beijing, continued strategic cooperation in drug traceability, smart medical care, etc., and gradually explore in-depth research in the fields of drug safety, patient education, etc.

$广汽集团(02238)$ ,涨7.12%。 $华晨中国(01114)$ ,涨5.5%。 $长城汽车(02333)$ ,涨4.46%。 $北京汽车(01958)$ ,涨4.34%。汽车板块续涨。昨日发改委委称今年将出台促进汽车、家电等热点产品销售的措施。
2238, Guangzhou Automobile Group, up 7.12%. 1114, Brilliance China, up 5.5%. 2333, Great Wall Motor Company, up 4.46%. 1958, BAIC Motor Corp, up 4.34%. Continue yesterday’s uptrend. China’s National Development Reform Commission said Beijing will roll out measures to help boost consumption of cards and household appliances.

$小米集团-W(01810)$ ,跌3.58%,5日跌15.65%。在小米上市后六个月的禁售期到期后,数十亿小米股票已经解禁,一连串的场外交易大宗交易表明,尽管小米股价距离17港元的发型价已经相去甚远,但还是有人在抓紧机会卖出股票。
1810, Xiaomi Corp, down 3.58%, 5 days down 3.58%. Billions of Xiaomi shares have been unlocked for sale after the 6-month lock up period that followed the company’s debut expired. A flurry of off-exchange block trades showed that some have taken the opportunity to offload the stock, even though Xiaomi is nowhere near its HK$17 listing price.

$舜宇光学科技(02382)$ ,涨5.35%。公司公布2018年12月各产品出货量。手机镜头同比增长42.1%,原因为公司手机镜头市场份额上升。车载镜头同比增长49.6%,原因为车载成像领域的快速成长和公司车载镜头全球占有率较去年同期上升。
2382, Sunny Optical, up 5.35%. The company announced the shipment of various products in Dec 2018. Mobile phone lenses increase 42.1% YoY, mainly due to the increase in the market share. Vehicle lenses increase 49.6% YoY, mainly due to the rapid growth of the automotive imaging field and the global market share increase.

$彩客化学(01986)$ ,涨24.17%。昨日公司暴跌近70%。之后公司称不清楚导致股票波动原因,表示公司运营正常,对公司未来前景充满信心。
1986, Tsaker Chemical Group, up 24.17%. Yesterday the company shares plummeted nearly 70%. The company then announced that the Group is under normal operation and the management team of the Company has full confidence in the **re development of the company; and the Board is not aware of any specific reasons for such price movement or of any inside information.

$建滔积层板(01888)$ ,涨13.01%,5日涨22.29%。花旗指政策鼓励购买家电及汽车,加上5G应用对铜箔的需求,相信铜箔需求会增加。花旗称该公司30-40%来自通讯设备(包括基站和手机),30%来自家电,30%来自汽车,5-10%来自电脑相关或其他。
1888, Kingboard Laminates Holdings, up 13.01%. 5 days up 22.29%. In view of a better margin recovery based on Government’s positive policies toward 5G, Automobiles, and Home Appliances, Citi maintained “Buy” rating to this company. Citi says 30-40% of the company’s revenue comes from telecommunication devices, 30% from home appliances, and 30% from automobiles.

$融创中国(01918)$ ,涨5.44%。公司2年期美元债初步价格指引在8.875%区域,或于今日定价。资金主要用于现有债务再融资。
1918, Sunac China Holdings, up 5.44%. USD 2Y Bond, IPT 8.875% Area, may price today.

$信义光能(00968)$ ,涨8.96%。 $保利协鑫能源(03800)$ ,涨4.21%。港股光伏概念股大涨。昨日国家发改委发布【关于积极推进风电、光伏发电无补贴平价上网有关工作的通知】。中信证券分析指此通知有望带来光伏建设新增量、加速新能源成本下降、等。具备成本及性能优势的核心制造龙头将深度收益。
968, Xinyi Solar Holdings, up 8.96%. 3800, GCL-Poly Energy Holdings, up 4.21%. Chinese solar and wind power producers jump after TOP economic planner NDRC said the country will start building non-subsidised pilot projects to improve renewable energy competitiveness.

$宇华教育(06169)$ ,跌8.41%。公司公布发型9.4亿元于2020年到期的可换股债券,年利率3%。若全部转换成股份,相当于总股份的7.94%。所得款项9.21亿元,拟作收购及一般企业用途。
6169, China Yuhua Education Corp, down 8.41%. The company slumps after proposing HK$940m convertible bond issue to fund M&A. Assuming full conversion at initial conversion, the bonds represent 7.94% of enlarged issued share proposal. Net proceeds of ~HK$921m to be used for acquisitions and general corporate purposes.

$龙光地产(03380)$ ,涨6.57%。5000万美元额外票据预期将于1月10日上市交易。
3380, Logan Property Holdings, up 6.57%. Additional insurance of US%50,000,000 5.75% senior notes.

$比亚迪电子(00285)$ ,涨5.19%。
285, BYD Electronic International, up 5.19%.

$华虹半导体(01347)$ ,涨5.96%。
1347, Hua Hong Semiconductor Ltd, up 5.86%.



