$恒生指数(HSI)$ ,涨2.27%。恒生中国企业指数 $国企指数(HSCEI)$ ,涨2.22%。近期市场出现了中国央行可能考虑购买股票或者ETF的传闻。恒指首富2万6000点;科技汽车家电股涨;等候中美磋商声明
HSI, up 2.27%. HSCEI, up 2.22%. Hong Kong, China stocks get boost from trade talks, Beijing signals on consumption stimulus.
175, $吉利汽车(00175)$ ,涨8.41%。发改委年内将制定出台促进汽车、家电等热点产品消费措施,券商看法正面,瑞信相信消息会全面刺激中资汽车股市场情绪,因其重申国统局原先指引(对新能源汽车作购置税减免、现金资助、兴建新能源车充车配套措施、相关停车场等),料农村汽车及新能源汽车可望受惠;花旗指政策可助汽车业去库存,料汽车股可迎来重估催化剂。
175, Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd, up 8.41%. China is preparing to revive automobile demand this year after the trade war with the US and a weakening economy likely led to the first annual slide in vehicle sales in at least 2 decades.
2238,$广汽集团(02238)$ ,涨6.94%。同上
2238, Guangzhou Automobile Group up 6.94%. As above.
2333, $长城汽车(02333)$ ,涨9.28%。汽车板块全线走强。1月8日晚间发改委释放有关汽车消费促进政策。
2333, Great Wall Motor Company, up 9.28%. China is preparing to revive automobile demand this year after the trade war with the US and a weakening economy likely led to the first annual slide in vehicle sales in at least 2 decades.
1316,$耐世特(01316)$ ,涨6.76%。同上。
1316, Nexteer automobile Group, up 6.76%. As above.
700, $腾讯控股(00700)$ ,涨3.8%。伟世通将与腾讯合作,为广州汽车集团研发提供自动驾驶和智能驾驶解决方案。
700, Tencent, up 3.8%. Cistern to cooperate with Tencent on autonomous driving and intelligent cockpit solutions for Guangzhou Automobile Group R&D.
1169, $海尔电器(01169)$ ,涨6.2%。发改委表示,今年将制定出台促进汽车、家电等热点产品消费的措施,扩大居民消费。
1169, Haier Electronics Group, up 6.2%. National Development and Reform Commission of China says that measures will be released to promote the consumption of hot products such as automobiles and home appliances will be formulated.
751,$创维数码(00751)$ ,涨8.05%。1070, $TCL电子(01070)$ ,涨6.87%。921, $海信家电(00921)$ ,涨11.30%。同上。
751, Sky worth Digital Holdings, up 8.05%. 1070, TCL Electronics Holdings, up 6.87%. 921, Hisense Home Appliances, up 11.30%. As above.
386,$中国石油化工股份(00386)$ ,涨4.52%。原油价格的连续走高则支撑能源股在香港市场走强。
386, China Petroleum & Chemical, up 4.52%. The continuous rise in crude oil prices supported the strength of energy stocks in the Hong Kong market.
2018, $瑞声科技(02018)$ ,涨6.41%。手机供应链集体大涨,瑞声领涨。
2018, AAC Technologies, up 6.41%. Mobile phone supply chain stocks rose together. AAC Tech led the gains.
1810, $小米集团-W(01810)$ ,跌6.85%,5日跌13.77%。续跌,昨日市场受小米数十亿股票即将解禁的消息影响,已跌7.5%。
1810, Xiaomi Group, down 6.85%, 5 days down 13.77%. Continue yesterday’s share price dive. Expiring Wednesday was the 6-month lockup period that followed the company’s Hong Kong debut, during which some employees and cornerstone investors were banned from disposing of their allocated shares.
1378, $中国宏桥(01378)$ ,涨6.49%,5日涨11.53%。德银看好中国铝业多于金及铜矿股,预料中国铝业和中国宏桥在2018年至2020年间的纯利年均复合增长率,分别超过30%及25%,主要基于LME铝价在今明两年将分别处于每吨2150美元及2300美元之最新预测。
1378, China Hongqiao Group, up 6.49%, 5 days up 11.53%. Deutsche Bank says due to changes in commodity prices, among various types of industrial metals and bulk commodities, the Aluminum stocks are more bullish than gold and copper stocks. It is still expected that China Hongqiao’s annual compound growth rate of net profit between 2018 and 2020 is over 25%, mainly based on the latest forecast of LME Aluminum price at $2150 and $2300 per ton this year and next.
6828, $北京燃气蓝天(06828)$ ,涨23.76%。花旗给予公司买入的初始评级,因为预计将在1月或2月发布正面的盈利报告,2018财年的业绩也将推动股价上涨。
6828, Beijing Gas Blue Sky Holdings, up 23.76%. Citi expects the company to complete at least 5 acquisitions in 2019-20E and will gain superior profit growth in expansion.
581, $中国东方集团(00581)$ ,涨5.93%,5日涨11.41%。近期国内基础设施建设投资领域大动作不断。接下来,促进有效投资增长,加大补短板力度,将是2019年的工作重点。
581, China Oriental Group, up 5.93%, 5 days up 11.41%. China government has intensified domestic investment in infrastructure construction.
1910, $新秀丽(01910)$ ,涨5.61%。公司在新CEO的领导下,将会加强其执行管理团队,并在未来三年重启其并购野心。
1910, Samsonite International SA, up 5.61%. The company is likely to beef up its executive management team under new CEO Kyle Gendreau as the world’s largest luggage maker rekindles its M&A ambitions over thee next 3 years.
1888,$建滔积层板(01888)$ ,涨7.72%。
1888, Kingboard Laminates Holdings, up 7.72%.
460, $四环医药(00460)$ ,涨7.46%。治疗糖尿病创新药【加格列净】已经正式启动中国3期临床试验。该创新药为集团第一个进入3期临床的中国1类创新药。
460, Sichuan Pharmaceutical Holdings, up 7.46%. The company’s first anti-diabetic innovative patented new drug Janagliflozin commenced phase III clinical trial in China.