

$恒生指数(HSI)$ ,涨2.24%。恒生中国企业指数 $国企指数(HSCEI)$ ,涨1.97%。今日的上涨得益于油价回升,券商金融股回升。此前中国国务院总理**考察商业银行,并强调运用好全面降准、定向降准工具支持民企融资。分析称,“国家队”或进场买入金融股,提振大盘反弹,而宏观经济承压料限制反弹空间。
HSI, up 2.24%. HSCEI, up 1.97%. Chinese stocks climbed, as financial companies jumped amid bets for additional government support. Confirmation that the US and China will hold face-to-face talks next week added to the more upbeat tone, as did a pledge by Premier Li Keqiang to provide more support to the economy. After the nation’s markets closed, China’s central bank announced it will cut the amount of cash lenders must hold as reserves by 1 percentage point.

$中信证券(06030)$ ,涨 6.14%; $海通证券(06837)$ ,涨5.28%; $华泰证券(06886)$ ,涨3.9%; $广发证券(01776)$ ,涨4.45%; $中金公司(03908)$ ,涨4.27%;$中国银河(06881)$ ,涨5.75%。此前中国国务院总理**考察商业银行,并强调运用好全面降准、定向降准工具支持民企融资。分析称,“国家队”或进场买入金融股,提振大盘反弹,而宏观经济承压料限制反弹空间。
6030, CITIC Securities, up 6.14%; 6837, Haitong Securities, up 5.28%; 6886, Huatai Securities, up 3.9%; 1776, GF Securities, up 4.45%; 3908, China International Capital, up 4.27%; 6881, China Galaxy Securities Co, up 5.75%. Securities or other financial firms become today’s TOP gainers. Some state funds might be buying financial stocks to stabilise the market after earlier declines.

$中国生物制药(01177)$ ,涨8.42%。公司于昨日在香港交易所回购812.5万股,耗资3750.4188万港币,回购均价为4.6159港币。
1177, Sino Biopharmaceutical, up 8.42%. The company yesterday bought back 8.125 million shares with HK$37.5 million, average price HK$4.6159.

$石药集团(01093)$ ,涨10.14%。沽售压力消退后,港股医药板块集体报复式上涨。
1093, CSPC Pharmaceutical Group, up 10.14%. Sell pressure faded. Hong Kong listed drug companies rebounded today.

$三生制药(01530)$ ,涨8.33%。公司昨日回购500万股,耗资4534万港币。
1530, 3SBIO, up 8.33%. The company yesterday bought back 5 million shares, HK$45.34 million in total.

$药明生物(02269)$ ,涨8.09%。摩根大通于18年12月31日增持药明生物297万股,每股51.36港元,总值约1.5亿港元,最新持股量5.03%,最新持股数目6168万股。另外,药明生物与正大天晴目前宣布,双方针对一款创新双特异性抗体开发达成合作,将充分利用各自优势和资源展开合作,实现在生物医药研发领域的合作共赢。
2269, Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc, up 8.09%. Morgan Stanley added 2.97 million shares of the company, in total HK$150 million.

$平安好医生(01833)$ ,涨7.89%。公司宣布其无人诊所用户超过300万。近期,花旗银行给予平安好医生“买入”评级,并看高目标价至60港币。花旗表示,平安好医生的核心业务发展强劲,前景明朗。同时,当下“处方药外流”的市场机遇中,平安好医生也将会有不俗的收获。
1833, Ping An Healthcare and Technology Co Ltd, up 7.89%. The company said its active users for its unmanned medical clinic has reached 3 million. Recently, Citi rated the company as “BUY”; PT HK$60. Citi says the company’s core business experienced strong development, with promising **re.

$绿叶制药(02186)$ ,涨4.59%。公司昨日回购100万股,耗资498.21港币。昨日公告称,该集团下重组人血管内皮生长因子受体-抗体融合蛋白眼用于注射液生物类似药LY09004临床试验申请已被国家药品监管局受理
2186, Luye Pharma Group Ltd, up 4.59%. The company yesterday announced that, according to Shangdong Boan Biological Technology Co Ltd, the clinical trial application of the biological antibody LY09004 has been accepted by National Medicine Product Administration (NMPA) in China.

$康哲药业(00867)$ ,涨6.7%。港交所权益资料显示,康哲药业获董事会主席、执行董事、首席执行官兼总裁林刚透过其控制的法团Treasure Sea Limited于1月2日在场内以每股平均价6.8751港元增持97.8万股,涉资约631.13万港元。增持后,林刚持股比例从43.92%上升至43.96%。
867, China Medical System Holdings, up 6.7%. On 2 Jan, CEO Lin Gang added 978,000 shares, in total HK$6.3113 million.

$恒大健康(00708)$ ,涨10.86%。公司与FF“分家”方案确定,根据和解协议,FF将会回收除南沙土地及设备之外的FF中国全部资产,包括莫干山项目、技术、专利、原有团队、管理权、及相关权益,而广州南沙工厂则划归恒大。
708, Evergrande Health Industry Group, up 10.86%. China electric vehicle developer Faraday Future(FF) said on Monday it signed a new restructuring agreement with a unit of its main investor, Evergrande Health Industry Group Ltd, ending a bitter legal fight and clearing the path for raising funds. Last time, FF got into a legal tussle with Evergrande Health after a planned $2 billion investment went sour. Under the agreement, both parties have agreed to withdraw and waive all current litigations and arbitration proceedings, and all rights to any **re claims.

$金斯瑞生物科技(01548)$ ,涨7.21%。医药股普涨
1548, Genscript Biotech Corp, up 7.21%. Drug companies rebounded today.

$中国海洋石油(00883)$ ,涨5.23%。三桶油跟随油价扬升。Bernstein预计到2019年底,油价将从目前的55美元/桶上涨至70美元/桶。原因为Opec及非Opec产油国的减产协议尚未在油价中得到充分体现,非Opec产油国的产量不足以抵消Opec产量的缩减和需求的增加,这种状况会推动油价走高。油气类股因为其低估值和具有吸引力的股息而受青睐。
883, CNOOC, up 5.23%. China oil giants jump amid a broad market rally and as Bernstein expects oil prices to rise to $70/bbl by end-2019 from current level of $55/bbl. Bernstein says OPEC and non-OPEC countries’ agreement to cut production not yet fully reflected, and non-OPEC supply won’t be enough to offset lower OPEC supply and demand growth, which will drive up prices.

$美团点评-W(03690)$ ,涨6.67%。公司今日放量大涨。猫眼已通过港交所聆讯,而美团点评除了是猫眼娱乐的战略伙伴外,还持有猫眼8.56%的股权。2018年12月,通过美团酒店预定并入住的单日夜间量已突破200万,这一数字相比2017年157万的单日夜间量峰值同比增长约三成。
3690, Meituan Dianping, up 6.67%. Maoyan, one of China’s 2 largest movie ticket sales platforms, is warming up its plans for an IPO in Hong Kong. The company is believed to be aiming to raise about $300 million of fresh capital. Meituan is Maoyan’s key shareholder with 8.56% shares.

$北京首都机场股份(00694)$ ,跌16.67%。分析称北京大兴机场机场方案出炉后,预计航空公司转场时间将较之前预期缩短,航空公司加速转场至新机场将冲击首都机场流量和盈利;后者股价在出现急跌之后或横盘整理,弱经济背景下周期板块沽压难解。
694, Beijing Capital International Airport, down 16.67%. China’s aviation regulator revealed a plan to divert airlines to a new facility set to open later this year, raising concerns the move would slow down traffic.

$碧桂园(02007)$ ,涨5.35%。内房股集体反弹。彭博称,碧桂园已为新成立的机器人子公司任命了两位高管。公司去年宣布未来五年内,将在机器人领域投入800亿元人民币。公司计划在一些住宅建筑中使用机器人,并在广东佛山市打造面积10平方公里的机器人谷。
2007, Country Garden Holdings, up 5.35%. Hong Kong listed China Developers rebounded today. The company has appointed 2 senior executives to its newly established robotics unit, Bloomberg says. The company last year announced an 80 million yuan investment into robotics over the coming 5 years. The company plans to use robots in the construction of some of its homes and is developing a 10-square-kilometre robot project in the city of Foshan in Guangdong.

$万科企业(02202)$ ,涨5.18%。内房股集体反弹。公司今日公告称,去年12月份公司实现合同销售面积438.7万平方米,合同销售金额630.1亿元。2018年1-12月份,公司累计实现合同销售面积4,037.7万平方米,合同销售金额6,069.5亿元。万科2018年全年销售金额同比增长14.54%。
2202, China Vanke Co Ltd, up 5.18%. The company today announced that for the Dec 2018, the company achieved a contracted sales area of 4.39 million sq.m. The contracted sales amount was RMB63.01 billion, a year-on-year increase of 1.3%. From Jan to Dec 2018, the company achieved an accumulated contracted sales area of 40.38 million sq.m. The contracted sales amount was RMB606.95 billion, a y/y growth of 14.5%.

$恒基地产(00012)$ ,涨5.04%。花旗将公司的评级从卖出上调至买入。
12, Henderson Land Development, up 5.04%. Henderson Land raised at Citi to buy from sell. Citi turns bullish on Hong Kong property sector.

$阅文集团(00772)$ ,涨8.35%。兴业证券指出,公司收入来源分为版权费、阅文自身参投影视剧项目、新丽集团自身影视剧项目。认为未来电视剧行业保持增长,平台采买将大概率向拥有优秀制作能力的公司和团队集中;阅文集团在文学IP质量方面处于行业领先地位,新丽传媒电视剧制作水平也属于行业第一梯队。给予公司目标价40.74港元,首次覆盖给予“审慎增持”评级。
772, China Literature Ltd, up 8.35%. Industrial Securities initiated coverage of China Literature Ltd with a recommendation of outperform.

$美图公司(01357)$ ,涨6.44%,5日涨19.90%。
1357, Meitu Inc, up 6.44%, 5 days up 19.90%

$长实集团(01113)$ ,涨5.56%。
1113, CK Asset Holdings, up 5.56%



