恒生指数, 涨0.1%。恒生中国企业指数涨0.01%。友邦保险对指数贡献最大,上涨0.7%。石药集团涨幅最大,上涨4.7%。50只股票中26只上涨,19只下跌。互联互通北向24.7亿元净流入中国A股。人民币上涨。
HSI, up 0.1%. HSCEI, up 0.01%. AIA Group Ltd contributed the most to the index gain, increasing 0.7%. CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd had the largest increase, rising 4.7%. 26 of 50 shares rose, while 19 fell. Stock Connect Northbound Inflow $360.5m to China. Yuan advances.
$中国石油化工股份(00386)$ ,跌5.09%。中金公司在28日的报告中写道,估计造成此次非寻常交易损失的原因,可能是由于联合石化看多原油进行的交易,在买入看涨期权的同时,还卖出了看跌期权。大部分的超额损失可能是由于卖出看跌期权导致的。中金预计中石化股价短期内可能继续承压,主要是因为市场可能会担心中石化风险控制管理的暴露,原油交易带来的潜在的额外损失以及最终可能导致分红不及预期的影响。
386, China Petroleum & Chemical, down 5.09%. In its statement, the company acknowledged that there had been losses, and said it was evaluating the details. The unusual trading losses, if any, could have been closed by Unipec’s (the company’s subsidiary) strategy of buying Long options and selling puts of crude at the same time, CICC says. “Most of the potential losses could have been made from selling the puts.” They wrote in a note.
$舜宇光学科技(02382)$ ,涨1.55%。彭博称,舜宇是今年恒指表现最差的成分股之一,但华为今年带动的三镜头热潮广受市场欢迎,将成为明年行业少数亮点之一。身为华为和小米等中国品牌的供应商,舜宇光学在行业的额领导地位将率先受惠镜头升级趋势,且公司目前估值偏低,未来有一定上涨潜力。分析师预估明年舜禹光学的净利增长逾四成,平均1年目标价有48%的上涨潜力。
2382, Sunny Optical Technology Group, up 1.55%. Bloomberg says, although this company is ending the year as one of Hong Kong’s biggest losers, some are betting it’ll be back to its winning ways before 2019 is over. The market fails to recognise Sunny’s technology leadership, or acknowledge the trend toward cramming three cameras into devices — one of the few bright spots for an otherwise bleak 2019 smartphone industry outlook. Optical components are also pervading new fields, such as cars that increasingly load up on sensors and cameras in the interest of safety.
$药明生物(02269)$ ,涨3.82%。作为全球领先的开放式生物制药技术平台公司,药明生物与围绕神经退行性疾病建立丰富研发管线的瑞士临床阶段生物制药公司AC Immune SA今日宣布,双方已针对生物药发现、开发、及生产等领域达成独家战略合作。
2269, Wuxi Biologics Cayman Inc, up 3.82%. The company (a leading global open-access biologics technology platform company offering end-to-end solutions for biologics discovery, development and manufacturing) and AC immune (a Swiss-based, clinical-stage Biopharmaceutical company with a broad pipeline focused on neurodegenerative diseases) established an exclusive strategic partnership that covers biologics discovery, development and manufacturing.
$石药集团(01093)$ ,涨4.66%。获主席蔡东成增持200万股,持股比例由23.06%上升至2.09%。
1093, CSPC Pharmaceutical Group, up 4.66%. The chairman added 2million shares to his portfolio.
$中国生物制药(01177)$ ,涨1.8%。昨日在香港交易所回购547.6万股,耗资2735.043万港币,回购均价4.9946港币。
1177, Sino Biopharmaceutical, up 1.8%. The company bought back 5.48m shares for HK$27.4m yesterday.
$金斯瑞生物科技(01548)$ ,涨9.28%。医药股齐涨。
1548, Genscript Biotech Corp, up 9.28%. Drugs companies all rally today.
$三生制药(01530)$ ,涨7.51%。同上。
1530, 3SBIO, up 7.51%. As above.
$美图公司(01357)$ ,涨6.63%。超跌反抽,美图董事长蔡文胜12月16日称,美图公司面临转型阵痛,上市后从未减持过美图。公司此前回购花费近8亿港元,就是看好美图公司的长期发展潜力。日前,美图与长江和记集团联盟,双方联名卡在大陆正式上线,双方在广告及社交媒体平台上也拓展合作。
1357, Meitu Inc, up 6.63%. As of Dec 24, 2018, Meitu’s three overseas products - AirBrush, BeautyPlus and the overseas version of the Meitu App - have all made significant gains in revenue and user growth. AirBrush: Profitable with an over 500% revenue increase, Y/Y. BeautyPlus: Profitable with an over 165% revenue increase, Y/Y. The Meitu App: Tops the App Store rankings of six overseas markets.
$岁宝百货(00312)$ ,跌36.8%。542, $富元国际集团(00542)$ ,涨8.45% 。市场质疑岁宝收购业绩表现不佳的富元国际19%的股本总额。富元2016年公司税后亏损额为4.04亿港元,2017年税后亏1980万港元,2018年上半年税后亏5650万港元。详见昨日复盘。
312, Shirble Department Store, down 36.8%. 542, TFG International Group, up 8.45% . TFG was informed to sell 1.32 billlion shares, representing approximately 19% of the issued share capital of TFG, to Baoke Trading (BVI), a subsidiary of Shirble Department Store. However, the deal was questioned by investors, because TFG has serious profit loss for 1H2018, as well as 2016 and 2017.
69, $香格里拉(亚洲)(00069)$ ,涨10.33%。量价齐升。
69, Shangri-La Asia, up 10.33%. Volume spikes.
$时代中国控股(01233)$ ,涨5.34%。
1233, Times China Holdings, up 5.34%.
2313, $申洲国际(02313)$ ,涨3.32%。花旗指昨日大跌为“买入”良机。该股昨日重挫,收跌8.33%。公司股价下跌原因是估值高,以及管理层下调对明年预期的传言。花旗认为,虽然估值高,但申洲业务前景可见度也高。此外,该行称其股价调整后目前预测明年市盈率19倍,基于下年盈利增速预测达24%属吸引。
2313, Shenzhou International, up 3.32%. Shenzhou’s stock plunge on Thursday presents a good buying opportunity as demand remains robust, Citi says. Company has competitive edge on cost and quality of deliver for Asian and Greater China consumption among Nike, Adidas, Puma and Uniqlo. Stock is rich in valuation but has high visibility; while economies in the US, Europe and Japan may slow next year, downside risk for Shenzhou’s earnings remains Low on solid share win. Valuation looks attractive after Thursday’s share plunge.
8259, $HON CORP(08259)$ , 涨95.65%。午后暴涨,创历史新高,交易量暴涨。
8259, Hon Corp Ltd, up 95.65%. Afternoon soar to history new high, volume spikes.