A well balanced portfolio will reduce your risk exposure. This is definitely critical in reducing personal wealth risk and and exposure to market volatility. Definitely, you need to look into your risk appetite. Be it stocks, bonds, savings and etc.
Risk Management in your personal portfolio is critical. Some people will invest 80 to 90 percent of their holdings into stocks while the more conservative may just go for 20 to 30 percent. In the end, it depends how far you can stretch beyond your financial limits. We will need to constantly rebalance our Portfolio in order to protect our Portfolio against Volatility and maximise our returns in investment.
I will suggest that you take a serious look into the following before making your decision.
1. Assess your own risk appetite before allocatingyour funds into stocks, bonds, fixed deposit and etc. You must always remember the rule of thumb is that if you wake up tomorrow with 50%reduction in your investment, your life will still be normal as usual.
2. Do not put all eggs into one basket. Spreadingyour funds into different tools is crucial. E.g US and Asia stock market. Different sectors Energy/Airlines/Growth stocks in US and etc. You need to set a target 🎯 for your return.
3. To consider some of the good blue chip Stocks that pay out good dividend and potential capital gain vs small cap stocks. Be it 30/70 or 40/60 rule depending on your own judgement
As an investor, we are always trying hard to alignour personal financial goals. Of course, there is alimit to the way how we invest compared to the fund traders or financial institutions. The important point to note is make adjustment regularly to your Portfolio in building a well Balanced Portfolio. Good luck 😉