Online trading will only become more and more prevalent. Will we see a craze over online trading? Taking away the speculation, more and more people have become investors themselves without relying on financial advisers.
The community set up by tiger aims to cultivate a friendly environment for investors to learn from each other. A community formed will provide stability in user numbers as well as loyalty towards the platform. While it is indeed true that GameStop saga has been termed as a massive retail speculation to short squeeze the hedge fund, it reflects a fundamental shift in retail investors' thinking's. With an abundance of information, ordinary folks can be empowered to make smart investment decisions. Time will come when there will be two groups, i.e. investors and traders. Let's not worry too much for them.
The listing of coinbase plus upcoming etoro and robinhood should bring excitement to this online trading subsector. If this is the case, the valuation multiples may be even higher than now since industry growth rate will further accelerated.
Being a tiger's retail shareholder, I have given myself a longer timeframe to wait for Tiger to deliver on it's results. Indeed, there are so many things that can be done to create further value like:-
(i) allowing crypto trading;
(ii) allowing advanced option strategies;
(iii) popular investor program;
(iv) leveraging on its massive user account numbers to provide other wealth management services and products; and
(v) so much more.
Coinbase IPO yesterday at its peak did see it's market cap reaching 80 billion USD. Will it double or triple? Well why not? With enough imagination and market interest in online trading sector, this sector would likely see other investors ascribing higher valuation multiples. Yes, it is already high but the high does get higher. Just remember to manage our risk in terms of capital allocation.
As always, the above should not be construed as any investment or trading advice. One has to do his or her homework.
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