






    FACT SHEET: President Biden Announces Plan to Lower Housing Costs for Working Families


    Building and preserving over 2 million new homes to lower rents and the cost of buying a home

    (白宫将)建造和保留超过 200 万套新房,以降低租金和购房成本

    President Biden believes housing costs are too high, and significant investments are needed to address the large shortage of affordable homes inherited from his predecessor and that has been growing for more than a decade. During his State of the Union Address, President Biden will call on Congressional Republicans to end years of inaction and pass legislation to lower costs by providing a $10,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers and people who sell their starter homes; build and renovate more than 2 million homes; and lower rental costs.  President Biden also announced new steps to lower homebuying and refinancing closing costs and crack down on corporate actions that rip off renters.

    拜登总统认为住房成本过高,需要大量投资来解决前任总统留下的、十多年来不断加剧的经济适用房严重短缺的问题。在国情咨文演讲中,拜登总统将呼吁国会共和党人结束多年的无所作为,通过立法降低成本,包括为首次购房者和出售首套住房的人提供 10,000 美元的税收抵免;建造和翻新 200 多万套房屋;降低租金。拜登总统还宣布了降低购房和再融资成交成本的新措施,并打击欺骗租户的企业行为。

    We are starting to see some progress. More housing units are under construction right now than at any time in the last 50 years, rents have fallen over the last year in many places, and the homeownership rate is higher now than before the pandemic. But rent is still too high, and Americans who want to buy a home still have difficulty finding one they can afford. That is why President Biden has a landmark plan to build over 2 million homes, which will lower rents, make houses more affordable, and promote fair housing.

    我们开始看到一些进展。目前正在建设的住房数量比过去 50 年的任何时候都多,去年许多地方的租金有所下降,现在的住房自有率比疫情之前更高。但租金仍然太高,想要买房的美国人仍然很难找到自己能负担得起的房子。这就是为什么拜登总统提出了一项具有里程碑意义的计划,要建造 200 多万套房屋,这将降低租金,使住房更便宜,并促进公平住房。

    Lowering Costs of Homeownership


    For many Americans, owning a home is the cornerstone of raising a family, building wealth, and joining the middle class. Too many working families feel locked out of homeownership and are unable to compete with investors for a limited supply of affordable for-sale homes. President Biden is calling on Congress to enact legislation to enable more Americans to purchase a home, including:


    • Mortgage Relief Credit. President Biden is calling on Congress to pass a mortgage relief credit that would provide middle-class first-time homebuyers with an annual tax credit of $5,000 a year for two years. This is the equivalent of reducing the mortgage rate by more than 1.5 percentage points for two years on the median home, and will help more than 3.5 million middle-class families purchase their first home over the next two years. The President’s plan also calls for a new credit to unlock inventory of affordable starter homes, while helping middle-class families move up the housing ladder and empty nesters right size. Many homeowners have lower rates on their mortgages than current rates. This “lock-in” effect makes homeowners more reluctant to sell and give up that low rate, even in circumstances where their current homes no longer fit their household needs. The President is calling on Congress to provide a one-year tax credit of up to $10,000 to middle-class families who sell their starter home, defined as homes below the area median home price in the county, to another owner-occupant. This proposal is estimated to help nearly 3 million families.

    1. 抵押贷款减免。

    拜登总统呼吁国会通过一项抵押贷款减免政策,为中产阶级首次购房者提供为期两年的每年 5,000 美元的税收抵免。这相当于在两年内将中位房价的抵押贷款利率降低 1.5 个百分点以上,并将帮助 350 多万中产阶级家庭在未来两年内购买首套住房。总统的计划还呼吁提供新的抵免政策,以释放可负担的首套住房库存,同时帮助中产阶级家庭提高住房阶梯,并帮助空巢老人获得合适的住房。许多房主的抵押贷款利率低于当前利率。这种“锁定”效应使房主更不愿意出售并放弃低利率,即使在他们目前的住房不再适合他们的家庭需求的情况下也是如此。总统呼吁国会为中产阶级家庭提供为期一年、最高 10,000 美元的税收抵免,这些家庭将他们的首套住房(即低于县内平均房价的住房)出售给另一位自住者。这项提议预计将帮助近 300 万个家庭。

    • Down Payment Assistance for First-Generation Homeowners. The President continues to call on Congress to provide up to $25,000 in down payment assistance to first-generation homebuyers whose families haven’t benefited from the generational wealth building associated with homeownership. This proposal is estimated to help 400,000 families purchase their first home.

    2. 为第一代购房者提供首付援助。

    总统继续呼吁国会向第一代购房者提供高达 25,000 美元的首付援助,这些购房者的家庭尚未从购房带来的代际财富积累中受益。预计这项提议将帮助 400,000 个家庭购买他们的第一套房子。

    The President isn’t waiting for Congress to lower costs for homebuyers and homeowners. Last year, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reduced the mortgage insurance premium for Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages, saving an estimated 850,000 homebuyers and homeowners an estimated $800 per year. And today, the President is announcing new actions to lower the closing costs associated with buying a home or refinancing a mortgage.

    总统不会等待国会降低购房者和房主的成本。去年,住房和城市发展部 (HUD) 降低了联邦住房管理局 (FHA) 抵押贷款的抵押保险费,估计每年为 85 万购房者和房主节省了约 800 美元/每年。今天,总统宣布了降低购房或再融资抵押贷款相关成交成本的新措施。

    • Lowering Closing Costs for Refinancing. The Federal Housing Finance Agency has approved policies and pilots to reduce closing costs for homeowners, including a pilot to waive the requirement for lender’s title insurance on certain refinances. This would save thousands of homeowners up to $1500, and an average of $750, and the lower upfront fees will unlock substantial savings for homeowners as mortgage rates continue to fall and more homeowners are able to refinance. According to independent analysis, across the market title insurance typically pays out only 3% to 5% of premiums in claims to consumers, compared to more than 70% in other types of insurance. Homeowners can still purchase their own title insurance policies if they choose to do so.

    3. 降低再融资的成交成本。

    联邦住房金融局已批准了降低房主成交成本的政策和试点项目,包括一项试点项目,免除某些再融资中对贷方产权保险的要求。这将为数千名房主节省高达 1500 美元,平均节省 750 美元,随着抵押贷款利率继续下降和更多房主能够再融资,较低的前期费用将为房主带来大量节省。根据独立分析,在整个市场上,产权保险通常只支付消费者索赔保费的 3% 至 5%,而其他类型的保险则超过 70%。如果房主愿意,他们仍然可以购买自己的产权保险单。

    • Lowering Closing Costs for Home Mortgages. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will pursue rulemaking and guidance to address anticompetitive closing costs imposed by lenders on homebuyers and homeowners.  These charges—which benefit the lender but not the borrower—can add thousands to the upfront costs of a mortgage.  Those upfront costs cut into the amount of homebuyers’ down payments and reduce homeowners’ available equity.

    4. 降低住房抵押贷款的成交成本。


    In the coming months, the Department of Treasury’s Federal Insurance Office will convene a roundtable of relevant industry stakeholders, including consumer advocates and academics, in order to discuss the title insurance industry and analyze potential reforms. Building on today’s announcements, President Biden is calling on federal agencies to take all available actions to lower costs for consumers at the closing table and help more Americans access homeownership.


    Lowering Costs by Building and Preserving 2 Million Homes

    通过开发,建设和维护 200 万套房屋来降低成本

    America needs to build more housing in order to lower rental costs and increase access to homeownership. That’s why the President is calling on Congress to pass legislation to build and renovate more than 2 million homes, which would close the housing supply gap and lower housing costs for renters and homeowners. This legislation would build on executive actions in the Biden-Harris Administration’s Housing Supply Action Plan that contributed to record housing construction last year.

    美国需要建造更多住房,以降低租金成本并增加购房机会。这就是为什么总统呼吁国会通过立法,建造和翻新 200 多万套房屋,这将弥补住房供应缺口并降低租房者和房主的住房成本。这项立法将以拜登-哈里斯政府住房供应行动计划中的行政行动为基础,该计划促成了去年创纪录的住房建设。

    • Tax Credits to Build More Housing. President Biden is calling for an expansion of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to build or preserve 1.2 million more affordable rental units. Renters living in these properties save hundreds of dollars each month on their rent compared with renters with similar incomes who rent in the unsubsidized market. The President is also calling for a new Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit, the first tax provision to build or renovate affordable homes for homeownership, which would lead to the construction or preservation of over 400,000 starter homes in communities throughout the country.

    税收抵免以建造更多住房。拜登总统呼吁扩大低收入住房税收抵免,以建造或保留 120 万套可负担出租房。与在无补贴市场租房的同等收入的租房者相比,住在这些房产中的租房者每月可节省数百美元的租金。总统还呼吁制定新的社区住房税收抵免,这是第一项为建造或翻新可负担住房以供自住房而制定的税收规定,这将导致全国各地社区建造或保留超过 40 万套首套住房。

    • Innovation Fund for Housing Expansion. The President is unveiling a new $20 billion competitive grant fund as part of his Budget to support communities across the country to build more housing and lower rents and homebuying costs. This fund would support the construction of affordable multifamily rental units; incentivize local actions to remove unnecessary barriers to housing development; pilot innovative models to increase the production of affordable and workforce rental housing; and spur the construction of new starter homes for middle-class families. According to independent analysis, this will create hundreds of thousands of units which will help lower rents and housing costs.

    住房扩建创新基金。总统在其预算中公布了一项新的 200 亿美元竞争性拨款基金,以支持全国各地的社区建造更多住房并降低租金和购房成本。该基金将支持建造负担得起的多户出租单元;激励当地采取行动消除不必要的住房开发障碍;试行创新模式以增加负担得起和劳动力出租住房的生产;并刺激为中产阶级家庭建造新的起步房。根据独立分析,这将创造数十万套住房,有助于降低租金和住房成本。

    • Increasing Banks’ Contributions Towards Building Affordable Housing. The President is proposing that each Federal Home Loan Bank double its annual contribution to the Affordable Housing Program – from 10 percent of prior year net income to 20 percent – which will raise an additional $3.79 billion for affordable housing over the next decade and assist nearly 380,000 households. These funds will support the financing, acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation of affordable rental and for-sale homes, as well as help low- and moderate-income homeowners to purchase or rehabilitate homes.

    增加银行对建设经济适用房的贡献。总统提议各联邦住房贷款银行将其对经济适用房计划的年度贡献增加一倍——从上年净收入的 10% 增加到 20%——这将在未来十年为经济适用房筹集额外的 37.9 亿美元,并帮助近 38 万户家庭。这些资金将支持经济适用房的融资、收购、建设和翻修,以及帮助低收入和中等收入的房主购买或翻修房屋。

    Lowering Costs for Renters


    President Biden is also taking actions to lower costs and promote housing stability for renters. The White House Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights lays out the key principles of a fair rental market and has already catalyzed new federal actions to make those principles a reality. Today, President Biden is announcing new steps to crack down on unfair practices that are driving up rental costs:


    • Fighting Rent Gouging by Corporate Landlords. The Biden-Harris Administration is taking action to combat egregious rent increases and other unfair practices that are driving up rents. Corporate landlords and private equity firms across the country have been accused of illegal information sharing, price fixing, and inflating rents. As part of the Strike Force on Unfair and Illegal Pricing announced by President Biden on Tuesday, the President is calling on federal agencies to root out and stop illegal corporate behavior that hikes prices on American families through anti-competitive, unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent business practices. In a recent filing, the Department of Justice (DOJ) made clear its position that inflated rents caused by algorithmic use of sensitive nonpublic pricing and supply information violate antitrust laws. Earlier this month, the Federal Trade Commission and DOJ filed a joint brief further arguing that it is illegal for landlords and property managers to collude on pricing to inflate rents – including when using algorithms to do so.

    1. 打击企业房东的租金欺诈行为。

    拜登-哈里斯政府正在采取行动打击令人震惊的租金上涨和其他不公平的做法,这些做法正在推高租金。全国各地的企业房东和私募股权公司都被指控非法共享信息、操纵价格和抬高租金。作为拜登总统周二宣布的打击不公平和非法定价行动的一部分,总统呼吁联邦机构根除和制止通过反竞争、不公平、欺骗或欺诈性商业行为抬高美国家庭价格的非法企业行为。在最近的一份文件中,司法部 (DOJ) 明确表示,其立场是,使用算法使用敏感的非公开定价和供应信息导致租金上涨违反了反垄断法。本月早些时候,联邦贸易委员会和司法部提交了一份联合简报,进一步指出房东和物业经理合谋抬高租金是违法的——包括使用算法来这样做。

    • Cracking Down on Rental Junk Fees. Millions of families incur burdensome costs in the rental application process and throughout the duration of their lease, from “convenience fees” simply to pay rent online to fees charged to sort mail or collect trash. These fees are often more than the actual cost of providing the service, or are added onto rents to cover services that renters assume are included—or that they don’t even want. Last fall, the FTC proposed a rule that if finalized as proposed would ban misleading and hidden fees across the economy, including in housing rental agreements. Last month, HUD released a summary of banned non-rent fees within their rental assistance programs. These actions build on voluntary commitments the President announced last summer from major rental housing platforms to provide customers with the total, upfront cost on rental properties on their platform.

    2. 严厉打击租赁垃圾费。


    • Expanding Housing Choice Vouchers. Over the last three years, the Administration has secured rental assistance for more than 100,000 additional households. The President is calling on Congress to further expand rental assistance to more than half of a million households, including by providing a voucher guarantee for low-income veterans and youth aging out of foster care – the first such voucher guarantees in history. Receiving a voucher would save these households hundreds of dollars in rent each month.

    扩大住房选择券。在过去三年中,政府已为超过 10 万户家庭争取到了租金援助。总统呼吁国会进一步扩大租金援助,覆盖超过 50 万户家庭,包括为低收入退伍军人和寄养期满的青少年提供住房选择券担保——这是历史上首次提供此类住房选择券担保。获得住房选择券将为这些家庭每月节省数百美元的租金。


