FF将于9月20日向好莱坞巨星经纪公司 Born Leaders Entertainment 交付 FF 91 2.0


北京时间2024年9月19日——总部位于美国加州的全球共享智能电动出行生态公司Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (纳斯达克:FFIE)( “FF”、“Faraday Future” 或 “公司”)今天宣布,将向 Born Leaders Entertainment 公司交付 FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance。该公司深耕好莱坞音乐与娱乐产业,旗下一众顶级巨星艺人,并为大型音乐巡演和其他活动提供录音管理和支持。Born Leaders Entertainment 还将成为 FF 的用户和开发者共创官。交车仪式计划于 9 月 20 日举行。 

Born Leaders Entertainment 是一家提供一站式服务的顶级明星经济公司,未来将会与 FF 合作,共同拓展包括明星盛典红毯活动在内的高规格共创机会。这标志着 FF 的 B2B 业务又向前迈进了一步。 

FF全球首席执行官Matthias Aydt表示:“我们很高兴又迎来一名用户,不仅将体验我们的FF 91 2.0,还会继续参与到我们以用户为中心的共创共享活动中。”

Faraday Future Announces ‘Born Leaders Entertainment’ to take Delivery of Latest FF 91 2.0 EV on September 20 

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Los Angeles, CA (Sept. 18, 2024) -- Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE) (“Faraday Future”, “FF” or “Company”), a California-based global shared intelligent electric mobility ecosystem company, today announced the planned delivery of an FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance to Born Leaders Entertainment, a company deeply immersed in the entertainment business that helps support some of the biggest artists in the entertainment industry and provides recording management and support services for music tours and other events. Born Leaders Entertainment will also become a user and Developer Co-Creation Officer for FF. The vehicle is scheduled to be delivered on September 20.  

Born Leaders Entertainment is a full-service entertainment company and may work together with FF on promotional opportunities, red carpet events and other high-profile engagements with celebrities and entertainers that may open further future opportunities or endorsements. Other possible engagements may include VIP chauffeur services with the FF 91 that will create marketing opportunities. This marks another forward step in FF’s B2B business.   “We are excited to welcome yet another user to not only experience our FF 91 2.0 but also continue in our user-focused Co-Creation sharing,” said Matthias Aydt, Global CEO of FF. 


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