PRESS DIGEST- Financial Times - Aug. 18


Aug 18 (Reuters) - The following are the top stories in the Financial Times. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.


- WhatsApp shuts down Taliban helpline in Kabul

- Poly Network tries to persuade hacker to return stolen assets

- UK banks extend pilot scheme for sharing branches

- BHP to shift main stock market listing from London to Sydney


- Facebook Inc's WhatsApp messaging service has shut down a complaints helpline for Afghans to contact the Taliban, set up by the group after it took control of Kabul.

- Poly Network has launched a charm offensive targeted at the hacker who stole more than $600 million in cryptocurrencies, in an attempt to have the hacker, dubbed Mr White Hat, turn over control of the remaining assets.

- Banks in the UK have taken an "early step" toward providing permanent shared local branches, as they come under pressure to help preserve access to cash for older and more vulnerable customers.

- BHP Group Plc will unify its dual-corporate structure and move its primary listing to Sydney from London.

(Compiled by Bengaluru newsroom)




  • Oldhead
    Many Singapore banks have closed their branches making it difficult for the seniors and others who are not IT savy.