假设最后收购成功(假设1年),那么做空的损失是年化2.2/52 = 4.2%。但是把做空的收入直接拿去买1年期国债,那么1年的收益差不多是3.9%。也就是说,这个组合最大的损失就是4.2%- 3.9% = 0.3%,可以忽略不计,唯一需要考虑的是融券的成本(今天的融券成本差不多是0.25%,也可以忽略不计)。但向上的收益就很大了,万一马斯克又反悔了呢?或者监管跳出来阻拦呢?或者马斯克的银行们突然不愿意借贷了呢?或者特斯拉股价暴跌导致马斯克钱不够呢?……有太多可能性这个收购案不能成功了。
On October 3, 2022, the Reporting Person’s advisors sent a letter to Twitter (on the Reporting Person’s behalf) notifying Twitter that the Reporting Person intends to proceed to closing of the transaction contemplated by the April 25, 2022 Merger Agreement, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth therein and pending receipt of the proceeds of the debt financing contemplated thereby, provided that the Delaware Chancery Court enter an immediate stay of the action, Twitter vs. Musk, et al. (C.A. No. 202-0613-KSJM), and adjourn the trial and all other proceedings related thereto pending such closing or further order of the court. The foregoing description of the letter is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the letter, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit S and incorporated herein by reference.