12-21 22:39
Replying to @MHh:beautiful👍🏻👍🏻❤️//@MHh:2024 has been like the northern lights. Unexpected yet beautiful. Job promotion and taking profit from my China/ HK stocks. Waited for them and the moment finally arrived! @Universe宇宙 @Success88 @HelenJanet @Fenger1188 @SR050321 @SPOT_ON @Wayneqq
12-20 11:03
我开仓了$特斯拉(TSLA)$ ,特斯拉在今年 10 月的特别活动中公布了 Robotaxi 自动驾驶无人出租车 Cybercab,特斯拉当时表示,他们计划最早在 2025 年(明年)于美国得克萨斯和加利福尼亚州落地相关出租车业务。 长期看好这只有潜力的优质股票,继续等待时机买入❤️


查看详情: 2025实盘团队挑战赛 联手交易盟友,与财富同行,请加入我的团队[财迷]  ,愿大家天天开心,身体健康,股票大涨,早日实现财务自由❤️❤️❤️@Samsonn @Kok @MilkTeaBro @Alvinlimsg @梭哈满贯
Replying to @Shyon:谢谢精彩分享👍🏻👍🏻//@Shyon:Elon Musk has had a standout year, especially with Tesla’s remarkable turnaround. Despite early challenges in 2024, Musk’s strategic moves, such as price cuts and innovations in autonomous driving, helped Tesla rebound and become one of the year’s top performers. His leadership extends beyond Tesla, influencing sectors like AI and space, solidifying his status as a key financial figure. Donald Trump, while not directly running a company, has also shaped markets with his political influence. His rhetoric and potential return to power have created an economic climate favorable to stocks like Tesla and Bitcoin. His pro-business stance, including d
Replying to @Aqa:👍🏻//@Aqa:🌟🌟 Let there be light to always guide all of us here in Tiger Trade, for better health, wealth and happiness 🍀🍀🍀 Thanks @TigerEvents @RPGold @huaer8497
Replying to @Aqa:旧朋友越来越少了, 大家一起坚持留在老虎证券😃//@Aqa: @Fenger1188 是要给”赞”吗? 好感动啊!//@Aqa:🏖️🏖️🏖️ All’s well ends well… so many ups and downs in one exciting year 2024! Come join me for a splash 💦 Thanks @TigerEvents @龙年
谢谢 @Daily_Discussion 👍🏻恭喜得奖者🎊🎉


🌟2024年最受欢迎老虎投票开始了,请为你们喜欢的作者投票🗳️,请按入@TigerEvents 页面投票😊,参与评论的朋友会获得10虎币奖励或老虎礼物。 特斯拉收高4.3%,再创历史新高,从年初以来特斯拉股价上涨75.56%,报价436.23美元。此前特朗普过渡团队提出放松美国汽车自动驾驶监管的具体措施,建议废除要求车商通报自动驾驶系统相关事故的现行法令。  据媒体周五报道,特朗普过渡团队已建议即将上任的政府废除要求汽车制造商通报自动驾驶系统相关事故的现行通用命令。报道称取消这一要求将利好特斯拉;按照这项命令,特斯拉已向美国国家公路交通安全管理局通报超过1500起事故,数量居于榜首。 彭博亿万富翁指数日显示,截至北京时间12月16日中午,马斯克的个人净资产已经达到了4550亿美元,是史上首个突破4000亿美元大关的富豪。 自11月5日美国举行总统大选以来,作为胜选者最大的“金主”,马斯克的身家一直在飙升,其拥有的财富比排名第二的杰夫·贝索斯及排名第三的比尔·盖茨的财富总和还要多出1400亿美元。 从其财富组成来看,马斯克同时管理着六家五十亿以上市值的公司:特斯拉、SpaceX、xAI、X、The Boring Company、Neuralink。 马斯克在特朗普政府中的角色提升了他旗下公司以及所有与他本人相关的公司价值;Destiny Tech、Baron Partners、“木头姐”Cathie Wood旗下的ARK等公司成为最大赢家。 特斯拉在2024年第三季度的财报中表现良好,超过市场预期。根据2025财年的预测,特斯拉的预测每股收益为3.29美元,预测总收入为1154.61亿美元,预测的营业利润为115.54亿美元。这表明特斯拉在未来的业务增长方面具有良好的前景。 特朗普能再次入主白宫,这位世界首富功不可没。如今,除了个人身家飙升,马斯克还有可能会获得更多


请按入@TigerEvents 主页投票🗳️ 12月13号,三大指数涨跌不一,道指连续第7个交易日下跌,创4月以来最长的连跌纪录。本周道指累计下跌1.82%,标普500指数下跌0.64%,纳指上涨0.34%。 数据显示,在美国当选总统特朗普上任之前,美国最新物价指标出现压力迹象。11月消费者价格指数(CPI)上涨0.3%,创七个月新高,同比增速攀升至2.7%。 经历了11月美国大选带来的上涨行情后,美股上周有所分化。标普500指数和道指迎来调整,科技股继续保持上涨势头,纳指迎来20000点里程碑。 大型科技股苹果、谷歌、和联袂创下盘中历史新高。人工智能再次成为焦点,芯片商博通人工智能业务收入大幅增长,营收指引超过华尔街的预期,并预测未来几年其定制芯片的需求将强劲释放,乐观的前景推动公司市值首次突破1万亿美元。 比特币连涨七周三年最长。美油周涨6%,黄金跌超1%但全周涨。 市场聚焦下周美联储、英国央行和日本央行决策,预计美联储会降息25个基点,英国与日本央行都按兵不动,日本央行加息动态引发关注。 我相信在股市里能创造奇迹, 我会继续留在老虎证券投资,愿大家平安,健康,股票大涨,早日实现财务自由❤️ @TigerStars  @Tiger_comments  @MillionaireTiger  @Daily_Discussion  
Replying to @SPOT_ON:❤️❤️//@SPOT_ON:[Heart]//@Fenger1188:谢谢 @TigerEvents 主办活动👍🏻。今天刚刚度假回来,这几天过的很轻松舒服😌。这是在渡轮上拍的照片,黄昏时分的大海充满了独特的魅力。金色的阳光洒落在海面上,为其披上一层金黄的外衣,海浪轻轻拍打着岸边,仿佛在演奏着一曲温柔的乐章。 看着大海,无论快乐还是不快乐,海,给了我短暂的遗忘药,静静的闭上眼睛,听听海潮的声音,呼吸这海的味道,看着夕阳渐渐西沉,把最后的美丽都倾尽于天空。原来,世界上有这么多美好的都默默地为我存在着…… 愿大家的生活越来越美好,身体健康,天天开心,股票大涨,早日实现财务自由❤️ 朋友们请加入活动评论,你会获得虎币或有机会赢得礼物! @koolgal @MHh @HelenJanet
Replying to @Aqa:👍🏻👍🏻//@Aqa:Tiger Trade has enabled me to learn much about investments. First we got to have a strategy plan, prioritize saving, and know the power of compounding. Always look out to avoid risk. Diversification, and asset allocation are important. Minmize investment costs at all times. Be disciplined and persevere. Welcome to tigertrade @jislandfund @TigerEvents
请加入 @TigerEvents 为你喜欢的作者投票😃 🌟请投票给 @Fenger1188 ❤️,你也可以投给你心仪的作者✍️,参与评论的虎友会获得10虎币奖励,也有机会获得老虎礼物!愿大家身体健康,股票大涨,早日实现财务自由❤️ @melson @BenjiFuji @StickyRice @StarLuck @Xian789 @nickname168 @DiAngel @TinyTiger
Replying to @jethro:漂亮👍🏻👍🏻//@jethro:The view from my Apt balcony in Batam, HB... My haven for peace and quiet retreat from the hustle and bustle of my busy schedule in Sg. The us where I relax and watch the day go by...it is the best investment...
Replying to @DiAngel:👍🏻👍🏻😃//@DiAngel:I just came back from Shanghai business trip. To me, nothing much has changed except a few tall buildings. I took the opportunity to walk the memory lane of The Bund, YuYuan etc etc. Even went to the famous Peace Hotel. I stayed there once for a week. Of course, company expenses. [Chuckle][Silence] Unfortunately, Tuesday and Wednesday were raining non stop. Hence we kept ourselves warm with 白酒[Chuckle]
Replying to @jislandfund:😁//@jislandfund:being a newbie to the world of finance I'm still dabbling in the shark infested waters ready to get devoured. my years a bit like this picture and amazing heist on the world and unbelievable. one day I dream of being as worthy as this art was deemed.⭐
Replying to @ECLC:👍🏻👍🏻//@ECLC:No one photo can express the memories etched in 2024. Another new year coming so soon!
Replying to @Alubin:👍🏻👍🏻😃//@Alubin:Good food good life. Ending the year with some good food below to remind me why I started on my investment journey.
Replying to @Alubin:👍🏻👍🏻//@Alubin:Sharing the post and tagging for more coins!! @Fenger1188 @koolgal  
Replying to @SPACE ROCKET:👍🏻👍🏻//@SPACE ROCKET:Enjoying some respite and gorgeous view of the City skyline 😍 @nomadic_m
Replying to @SPACE ROCKET:👍🏻👍🏻//@SPACE ROCKET:#TigerProjectPlay #WWTD24 This pic is dedicated to all the lovely Tiger staff who painstakingly contributed in every way to build up a lovely community here; fostering camaraderie among us and tending to our every concern / questions. 💙🩵 Thank you Tiger Staff (both online and offline) for hosting many fun-filled events and giveaways, and for all the love and support that you've showered us with! 🙌🙌 Thank you for everything that you guys do behind the scene to put smiles on our faces! With love, SPACE ROCKET🔥🚀 @TigerEvents @Captai
