@1ccffd8e:$SINGAPORE AIRLINES LTD(C6L.SI)$why many people still think it is a good stock because borders are slowly opening and it is national airline? Really curious to see those bagholding for years to come of what they will think and say when this stocks do nothing for them.
@MMMia:has anyone actually looked at historic Price/Sales ratios for MRNA and PFE. MRNA - currently 20 PFE - currently 4.33 20 is simply too high, 4.33 seems reasonable for a company shipping product and receiving revenue. If NVAX gets all approvals filed for and TB filed for, ships 150M doses/month (conservative side), that is 1.8B doses/year. If their average margin is $6/dose that is $10.8B. at 4X (though I believe with a little time it will trend higher) that is a $43B market cap, at 74.5MM shares, $577 per share Logically if we get approvals and sell all doses produced, a reasonable target is $500-$650, not counting any increase in sales if NVAX proves more desirable by governments and markets and not counting any additional revenue from Nanoflu.$Moderna,